Dolby Atmos Netflix Problem?
irgendwie scheint Netflix einen zu verarschen. Ich habe ein Dolby Atmos fähiges Gerät LG HU715QW(eArc/4 K) und ein Dolby Atmos fähiges Audiosystem (Sonos volles Programm) Disney und sogar Amazon Prime geben Dolby Atmos wieder! bestätigt durch die Sonos App (System Informationen)
Netflix gibt bei Dolby Atmos Titeln ausschließlich Dolby Digital plus 5.1! Auch die englischen Tonspuren
Da stimmt doch was mit der App nicht!?
So it works with Netflix and Dolby Atmos (Sennheiser sound system). Are you sure you set everything right?
Moin, right. Otherwise, it wouldn’t work with the other providers. By the way, Netflix Pro is also with Hd in the subscription, especially the stupid statement from Netflix: if there is the title Dolby Atmos, it is also output by the app. Strangely the other apps work problemless
Depending on where exactly the app is running on it, it can be that you have to change it individually, for example in the TV. In the beginning, only Disney+ Atmos could output. After a lot of reading and two hours…
So, in the account setting I actually had to adjust the streaming quality. Too bad this answer didn’t come from Netflix. Thank you for this info! You can open a beer 🍺