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Wie heisst der Song ab Minute 8:58?
Mixed of both, I think.
I believe it is necessary to have a certain wisdom not to have an opinion on everything and to remain silent or to admit to yourself that one cannot judge something.
I think that one can understand the statement in several ways, which is very often the case with songs, to also convey hidden messages and not necessarily true to this song.
It could also mean that you don’t express your opinion on it WILL, because you don’t want to provoke for example….then it would be for every intellectual and psychological origin if you can call it that.
In the one song where he sings “Mother Mary comes to me”, he does not really mean the mom of Jesus with it.
Does Maria stand for sex?
Mariuhana 🙂
Lucy in the sky with diamonds. I should have known the other.
I think it’s very reflected. You can have an opinion, you don’t have to. The question is good and I think – yes, very much. When one looks at the complexity of today’s topics in many areas, one can often not form a “fixed” opinion, many topics are far too complex. Who judges in a hurry sometimes seems to be superficial.
It’s more like the philosophical ideas.