Doch ein Roller oder 125er?
Hi, wie einige aus meinen früheren Fragen wissen, habe ich mir überlegt den A1 zuzulegen. Da es aber mit vielen Kosten und Wartungen zusammenhängt, mit denen ich nur zu 50% ein Problem hätte hab ich mir grade mal Videos über 50ccm Roller reingezogen. Diesen „Führerschein“ kann man mit 15 haben. Perfekt für mich. Allerdings habe ich 1. nicht das Fahrverhalten wie bei einem 125ccm Motorrad. Dafür aber einen Nervenraubenden Sound. Und es ist zudem nicht sooo Cool mit so 30-35 km/h. vorbeizufahren. Wie seht ihr das und zu was würdet ihr mir Raten? Den Roller müsste ich dann 3 Jahre ca Fahren weil ich ab 18 meinen A2 machen würde. Und das dumme ist dass wenn ich den A1 hätte ich die Probezeit abgefahren hätte über die 2 Jahre. Also ihr merkt es ist echt schwierig… bitte um Hilfe
The question is insane, because the terms “roller” and “125” do not exclude each other.
Nowadays standard 125 cm3 four-stroke engines sound quite similar, whether they are installed in a motorcycle or in a scooter. The difference is that in the latter one always has stepless transmissions in new vehicles (formerly there were also rollers with shift transmissions), which ensures that without fluctuations in speed are “shifted”. The – and the frequently installed continuous blower cooling, as well as the whistling working noise of the conical disk transmission (CVT) cause the acoustic differences.
What you ultimately buy is left to your taste. Each genus has its advantages, disadvantages and disadvantages. Motor scooters can be operated in a non-rigid manner due to the lack of coupling and shift levers, often provide some storage space under the seat, sometimes also in the handlebar area, often have better weather protection. Disadvantages are a somewhat higher consumption due to the stepless transmission, as well as a poorer curve driving behavior (due to the heavy drive set rocker). Maintenance is also easier on a motorcycle because it is not so much dressed.
I drove with 15 Mofa and still do the A1 because you want to drive faster.
Maintenance is probably also much more intensive in a scooter than in a modern 125.
So do the A1.
A1. Just because it’s better in the long run, you’re dissatisfied with a scooter in a year.
So do the AM scooter, enough…30kmh is also bullshit…50
What counts is the cost/use factor!
Let’s just left this one 125 ccm doesn’t make you cooler than a scooter, except for the target group “pubertarian & hormonal“, and ask us why you spend so much money on a driving licence?
Right! To be mobile!
Now the question is: How mobile do you have to be?
125 ccm is a lifestyle decision! Most of them want to do it:
Moreover, they burn for it, which for many people does not ask themselves what is worth more! But since you ask this question, you should be aware that your mobility will cost you a lot of money! Because A1 is not only machine and driving licence, but also expensive maintenance and expensive equipment.
This argument: “Then I have already gone 2 years of trial!”It’s so thin! If you’re just kidding, the two years are no longer a topic!
So if you just want to be mobile, then you will realize how much your mobility is worth! You only have the A1 for two years that saved money can also be stuck in B+A2.
But if you are Bikerher burns and motorcycles will definitely be a theme for you later, I guess to A1 and the extra costs, as the experience will bring you a lot.
Puuh it’s just too hard…
It’s not hard! Ask yourself two:
Ready, that’s enough. If you have the money, stop it! You will be mobile, have fun and can gain experiences. But for many others, money is missing, as such a 125 ccm with inspection and co. continues to cost money.
At the scooter you are also mobile, can whistle on inspections (to make the same), and with the money you can buy a super gaming PC, or one of the new PS5 consoles or something. Or you’ll give it up for clothes. Don’t do as much fun as 125 ccm.
If you’re smart, save it for later! No matter how, as I said, it is a “Lifestyle decision“, a biker in the heart wouldn’t have to think long, so as a hit.
If you leave the financial, of course, I’d rather go to the A1. But the first thing you mean… And three years to drive scooters naja. Let’s see what time it takes and what it looks like. And actually, I’ve been thinking of getting the Ps5 🙂