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Bitte schnell antworten
Wenn ich aus spaß vom Kontrolleur wegrenne obwohl ich ein Ticket habe, darf er mich dann rausschmeißen??
Bin mal vom Kontrolleur weggerannt damit er mir hinterher rennt. Er fande es nicht so witzig und hat mich rausgeschmissen obwohl ich ein Ticket habe. Darf er das?
There are 2 legal persons
I’d say where and how they grew up.
because the Deutsche Bahn always has to knock out the most possible.
they will certainly have a disabled card with special rights that make the trip free…
the sheepman will have no idea what he has to do, because this is guaranteed in no service rule ^
who is overwhelmed with his service regulations
is there anything of Siamese twins inside his service?
just, and there hangs his plate and they can make it without a ticket
we are 2
Hey mili and meli how old she was?
would be stupid if the other one sits differently and the other one would have been there, and one of you would only have a card and once the control feels fucked up xD can be but I would really buy 2 is better
they are Siamese twins who are grown together that cannot sit separate
It gets really complicated only when they want to take a tandem.
for tree! xD