Dji Mini 3 Pro Rotorschraube rundgedreht hilfe!?
Hallo zusammen, gestern sind bei meiner neuen Mini 3 Pro zwei Rotorblätter kaputt gegangen, beim Versuch die kleinen Schrauben aufzudrehen habe ich sie rund gedreht. Alle anderen Schrauben gehen auf nur die rundgedrehte nicht mehr. Was kann ich noch tun?
try it with no bigger.
If there is no longer a slot screwdriver, saw a larger slot or drill the screw
Cover off the engine, otherwise you have all the metal chips glued to the magnets
Thanks to you, you’ve got yourself now!
How did you get it?
In fact, the whole tool box has been tested until one has worked with a lot of effort. 😅
Otherwise, if you currently have the same problem as I did then, I can recommend you to try out 4 more methods.
1. Rubber band method: Put a thin rubber band over the screw and set the screwdriver again. The rubber band provides additional grip and can help to turn the screw out.
Two. Special tools: Use a screwdriver that is specially made for damaged screws. These tools engage in the damaged screw head and make it possible to remove it.
3. Use Dremel: If the screw is severely damaged, you can carefully cut a new slot into the screw with a Dremel, so you can use a slot screwdriver.
4. Workshop: If you are unsure or have no success, you could bring your drone to a repair workshop specializing in drones.
Avoid exerting too much pressure on the screw so that no further parts are damaged.
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