Dji mini 3 mit huawei p10 lite?
Ich habe mir vor kurzem die dji mini 3 gekauft. Leider habe ich es nicht geschafft, dass sie sich mit meinem huawei p10 lite verbindet. Kann mir da bitte irgend jemand helfen
Ich habe mir vor kurzem die dji mini 3 gekauft. Leider habe ich es nicht geschafft, dass sie sich mit meinem huawei p10 lite verbindet. Kann mir da bitte irgend jemand helfen
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Step by Step: Did you install the corresponding app on your phone? I suppose you pulled DJI Fly from the store, right?
I downloaded them in the AppGallary and could also open them
Try differently: Go to the homepage of DJI directly. There you can also download the app as .apk. Uninstall the one you have on it and install the one you have downloaded from there.
Since Huawei has his kittens with the Playstore, there are always problems. I fly the Mavic 2 Pro with the app DJI GO4, so I had exactly THESES problem too. I could solve it with that.
If that doesn’t work, write again. That’s what we’re gonna do.
Okay, that’s another approach, of course! From the question one can assume that the drone is niht.
Then it’s more about you having to change the settings on your phone: activate USB. Do that, then it should go.
The drone’s flying with the remote control. The handy does not connect to remote control
Okay. Then go on in the text: I assume the following situation: App installs and runs. Drone charged and running.
Next step:
Have you already connected the mini to the PC, downloaded the assistance software and provided the drone with the latest update?
downloaded the .apk file. does not work yet