Dji Controller verbindet sich nicht?


Ich habe eine fpv drone mit dem Flight controller speed Bee f7 v3, den dji Controller 2 und die dji goggles 2 jetzt habe ich das Problem das ich die goggles und den controller mit der dji O3 air unit verbinden kann aber in beta Flight keine Reaktion gezeigt wird, ich weiß nicht genau woran das liegen könnte🤷, mein Verdacht liegt aber bei den uart ports in videos würde gesagt das man einfach mal ausprobieren sollte aber das Wärme Dan ja ziemlich viele Kombinationen kan mir da jemand helfen? Jeder Tipp ist hilfreich! (Das Bild ist der Plan von dem Flight controller.)

Danke schon mal im voraus 👍🏽

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1 month ago

If you have connected it as in the plan, it’s Uart 2…

1 month ago

probably false channelmapping, you need to see if in bf also comes a knock at throttle when moving the throttle stick

1 month ago

restart copter and watch what is displayed in the osd

1 month ago

yes, if the copter is connected to usb, the copter cannot be poor for safety reasons

1 month ago

failsafe means no connection to the funke

1 month ago

can be many, depending on how far you are set up with the

Bf in the Setup tab on the right also reports why the poor is not going, in the OSD

1 month ago

Just look at some yt videos, that’s all pretty self-explanatory

You need to tell bf on which Uart/Connection the O3 is to get an OSD and on which connection the receiver of the O3 is connected

Then adjust that you have a digital system so that bf knows how to display the OSD. This is the fastest way to get through the preset

1 month ago

serial rx on uart 2

activate msp on uart 1

right msp+displayport on uart 1

The best way to load the preset for the o3 and select the uart 1

1 month ago

you have the f7, I was at the f4

the left is the right and still uart2 for sbus

1 month ago

what do you mean right, there is only one jack for the o3 and one for the esc

1 month ago

Let’s start from the front. What air unit are we talking about?