Dissoziative Identitätsstörung?

Kann mir das jemand erklären? Ich habe gerade einen Bericht in der Post gehabt worin steht, dass bei mir der Verdacht darauf besteht. Was genau bedeutet das?

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6 months ago

In the dissociative identity disorder, formerly called multiple personality disorder, two or more identities alternate in the same person. These identities may have language, temperament and behaviour patterns which differ from those with which the person is normally associated. In addition, the person cannot remember information that could normally be easily remembered, such as everyday events, important personal information and/or traumatic or stressful events.

https://www.msdmanuals.com/de-de/heim/psychic-health disorders/dissociative-dissociative-identity disorder

6 months ago

In childhood, traumatic experiences are experienced, these experiences are too hard to wear for a person, so the person splits into several personalities or rather identities.

It is a person in which, however, several identities exist with different dispenses, personalities, different interests etc. (1 body but several identities). The various personalities can also have different visions and other physical complaints.

People can suddenly be quite different behavior and another person have different identities (ages) that make them. One person smiles from one age to the next and what the person experiences at the moment remains the redemption of age, the others do not really have this redemption.

Many affected people can communicate with the other ages, often they write letters or notes.


6 months ago

Several personalities in your body

They usually don’t know about the others

Embossed by loss to reality, memory swallowing and dissociation