Hi, was bedeutet bei einen Dispokredit %13 pro Jahr wenn ich z.b 500€ ziehe und jeden Monat 50€ bezahle wie viel Zinsen kommt drauf ?
Hi, was bedeutet bei einen Dispokredit %13 pro Jahr wenn ich z.b 500€ ziehe und jeden Monat 50€ bezahle wie viel Zinsen kommt drauf ?
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You pay 13% to the balance of the account and this is calculated in the current account in the exact day.
Today you have 500 euros, which costs 18 cents for this one day if nothing else changes the whole month will cost you 5.42 euros.
Then comes a deposit of 50 euros, the target level is reduced to 450 euros again for a month 4.88 euros.
As private current accounts are usually billed quarterly, a further month will be added, i.e. the next 50 euros, target level 400 euros = 4.33 euros
For the quarter-year, you will pay €12.63 to target interest rates that are charged to the current account, i.e. the next target is 412,63.
But: any account movement, whether desired or have, changes the interest rate calculation.
😂 … got it … 👍
13% p.a. at 500 € are 65 €.
If you pay €50 each month, the €65 will be reduced accordingly.
It was necessary to calculate in detail.
Thank you