Display Port zu VGA Adapter geht nicht?
Eben ist mein Display Port zu vga Adapter gekommen. Der Bildschirm wird zwar erkannt, aber er trennt und verbindet sich nach Ein paar Sekunden wieder. Meine Grafikkarte ist eine rtx3060Ti .Aber wenn ich den Adapter alleine anschließe wird auch immer ein Bildschirm erkannt aber es geht und der Monitor bekommt kein Signal. Und Treiber installieren geht auch nicht weil ich zum einen nicht weiß, wie der Adapter heißt und zum anderen wo ich die Treiber bekomme. Hoffentlich kann mir jemand helfen.
Viele Grüße.
Probably didn’t buy an active adapter.
Adapter is not the same adapter.
There are active and passive adapters.
You need an active adapter!
Such an adapter costs a bit more.
https://www.amazon.de/StarTech DisplayPort-Adapter-Converter-1920×1200-schwarz/dp/B00JQJV4OC/
However, the graphics are not quite suitable if you want to adapt to everything, you only need the appropriate device, for example I have recently adapted from HDMI to Displayport(Not DP=> HDMI which is simple)
The graphic is ~ 10 years old or so.
Can you like to create a new one if you need to pull it up too much now.
What do you have to mark the pea counter now?
The fact that you went from HDMI to Displayport, which hardly anyone does, is completely irrelevant to the question. Accordingly, it is also irrelevant for the question whether this is present in the graphics or not.
Or what exactly was wrong with my answer now?
Well, if you already provide a response, it should not be 10 years old.
For example, buy the adapter that I link.
But thank you.
That’s what it means.
Doesn’t I mean I can’t use the adapter?
Yeah, I saw that. But it is just a passive adapter.
Active adapters still have a chip/semiconductor inside, which increases the power to keep the signal stable.
I almost have one.Jsdoin 1080p gilded DP-on-VGA adapter (plug on socket), compatible with Lenovo, Dell, HP, ASUS https://amzn.eu/d/4QNavoa
As already written, this is probably a passive adapter. What do you want to expect for 6€ china scrap. In addition, the thing can only be up to max. FHD, you’re trying more to get the part off.
Yes, I also noticed that it was not a good idea will be sent back tomorrow.
Only as a tip on my part as I handle some things: Too much “Geiz ist geil” is not always ideal. In some things I prefer to spend a few more euros, but I can be sure that’s all right.
But what does he want with more than FHD? I would say that 99% of VGA screens on the market do not create more than FHD.
And the remaining 1% then makes WQHD.
You can’t just attach monitors to this thing. The jmd. would be so crazy and a 4k beamer hangs on or another adapter… I don’t know anyone.
I wanted to point out that the VGA standard is the limiting factor. Which is why FHD is more than sufficient for the adapter.
Thank you. 👍
Have you ever tried a change adapter? For the price, I honestly do not expect much, especially since this apparently does not have an extra power supply, which is usually required for a digital to analog (or vice versa) converter (Displayport has a digital signal and VGA analog).
Do you have any other connections on your monitor? DVI, HDMI?
Does your graphics card have other connections? for example HDMI? From HDMI to VGA it is usually a bit simpler, but also here a wndler with power supply is needed.
Thank you for all the links .👍
And I would almost bet that the two adapters in their links will not work.