Disney in Concert, Belive in Magic vs the sound of Magic? Was ist Besser, erfahrungen?


hat jemand eine Ahnung welches der beiden Disney Concert besser oder was im Allgemeinen der Unterschied ist?

Ich bin ein absoluter Disney Fan und würde gerne mit meinem Freund eines der Konzerte besuchen. Die Auswahl zu treffen ist echt schwer.

Vielleicht hat ja jemand eines der Konzerte besucht und kann berichten?

Lieben Dank im Voraus!!

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1 year ago

The “original” is DISNEY IN CONCERT 2024 – Believe in Magic.
The tour goes nationwide and only plays in the big halls. The concept focuses more on adult Disney fans, the focus is on singing, it is like a musical gala with the big Disney hits. There are 1-2 moderators and many well-known musical stars on stage.

Disney in Concert: The Sound of Magic
I have not known so far, it seems to be limited to a few dates in the south of the Republic and to run in rather small valleys. According to the description, this is a film/image performance where a Philharmonie orchestra plays. Whether you’re singing live doesn’t stand there, probably not.

What is more interesting for you now depends on whether you are more interested in film clips and background information about the Disney films, so you are more interested in cuckoos will.
Or whether you are more interested in music / songs, so more hear will.
It would probably not be a problem for real Disney fans to go to both events.