Diskussionen mit Freund?

Hallo, mein Freund ist seit langem mal wieder bei mir. Er hatte mich 4 Monate lang alleine gelassen ,wir haben eine Fernbeziehung, er hatte es immer auf die Arbeit geschoben, weshalb er keine Zeit hat, hatte aber im Januar eine Woche Urlaub gehabt die er lieber anderweitig verbracht hatte und es mir verheimlicht hat. Er ist meistens ziemlich feige die dinge persönlich anzusprechen und verzieht sich dann und lässt es mich auf so eine art spüren das was nicht stimmt. Und neben der arbeit, lag es an unseren ständigen diskutieren dass er nicht kam und vorauf er keine lust hatte, mit der sprache ist er dann auch endlich mal rausgerückt, nachdem ich ihn drauf angesprochen habe. Jetzt ist es so, dass ich panische Angst habe etwas anzusprechen wenn mich was stört. Würdet ihr mit ihm zusammen bleiben?

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1 month ago


If such things happen at distance, and you don’t

can communicate, then I would seriously reconsider this connection.

If you have the opportunity to see yourself (residence) then it is in

Normally the longing is there to be together. To you,

on holiday alone, and now you take him back with open arms

Don’t be afraid to talk to him about what’s going on here.

Happy looks different, because you suffer in the now – state .

If you don’t get honest with each other, you never get one

Confidence and a sense of belonging for each other. And when

the relationship is very, very

shaky legs. For me personally this would not have a common future

If you continue to accept this, and take it, nothing will ever change

Remember, your partner will change something.

Makes sense!?

LG. Angel 👼

1 month ago
Reply to  Angel1112

And if you have to think carefully, w a s you say, then the relationship is on very, very wobbly legs.

That’s right! This is just a load.

1 month ago
Reply to  Darkrider280

We’ll see that again. Then it’s better if you stay alone than being lonely in two.

1 month ago


1 month ago

So you have such a low self-worth that you are satisfied with the little thing he gives you. And now you’re supposed to be silent?

Be honest with you: This is not the relationship you desire. Stop your heart!

I want you to realize that you deserve much more! And draw conclusions from it.

You can build up a real, deep bond if you spend time on it,

Something in you thinks you’re not worth it anymore. But you are!

We often find ourselves emotionally unavailable partners because we are afraid of a real relationship, fear not being good enough to have it not ‘deserved’.

If you don’t find the power in you, find help from a therapist.

1 month ago

Try to talk without discussing and pretending.Then he will surely want to spend time with you again.If you don’t see anything, you have to talk, laugh, enjoy it.Don’t ask, drill and talk about what would not be there without discussion.

1 month ago

we have a distance relationship, he had always pushed it to work, which is why he has no time, but in January had had a week vacation that he had rather spent otherwise and hid it to me.

Read your sentence again.

Then you know this isn’t a partnership, and you haven’t been together.

Don’t lie and keep your pride.

Good for you.

1 month ago

You’ve been separated. Didn’t tell you yet, because…?

If he loves you, he’ll fight for you if he won’t be happy. You should.

1 month ago
Reply to  Felicur

♥♥♥♥♥️👍👍👍👍Precisely put to the point 👍👍👍

1 month ago

I couldn’t do that in the long run. Maybe you’ll try to talk to him again.

So that you understand him his fear, but he doesn’t have to worry about you.

Otherwise it will be difficult 🙈

1 month ago
Reply to  Riri2255


1 month ago

Distance relationship, no communication, homeliness, no desire to see you?!! You’re not talking about internal fear of conflict or its reaction!?

Think how it would live better!

Others would be grateful to someone to share life……

1 month ago
Reply to  Dackelpapa


1 month ago

Nee, would end the relationship in your place. You deserve something better. With his behavior he proves how unimportant you are for Him.

You don’t mean anything to him. Please separate. You’re too valuable for such a guy.