Discus fish: Rapid breathing and right gill cover protrudes extremely far. Is there a danger to other discus?

Good morning,

I recently acquired two additional Discus. I now have six in total.

Unfortunately, a new animal has the following defects:

  • Eyes are black
  • right gill cover is abnormally wide open
  • Respiratory rate is much higher than with the other discus

Overall, the fish looks pretty worn out. Unfortunately, I only noticed the defect when I put it in.

Does it necessarily have to be an illness?

If so, which ones?

Is there a danger for the other discus?


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5 years ago

In fact, you should expect someone who cares about the discus to venture to the top class of Aquaristics to also have the appropriate knowledge and experience.

Yes, of course, the fish is sick – healthy discus have NO black eyes, breathe calm, have no protruding pebbles, do not see taken from ….

What disease this is, no one will be able to tell you here, because these symptoms affect many diseases.

It would be best to make sure you find a forum for discus and post images on the Internet. Maybe you can then diagnose a possible disease and recommend a treatment. But so, without pictures and further information, that is absolutely impossible.

The fact that new animals – especially discus – are used without quarantine to other fish – should actually be a matter of course.

5 years ago

For example, I would follow the very first rule of discus keeping and NIEMALS would do a foreign fish without quarantine to the other fish!! That’s what starts.

And before I buy a fish, I take it completely thoroughly and for a long time in sight – then black eyes, a bad general condition, protruding gills etc. are falling out before buying.

Yes, of course, everyone starts with the aquarium – but not with discus fishing!! And if you have gained knowledge and experience with this subject and other fish for years, then you don’t need to ask such questions if you care for sensitive fish!

5 years ago

If I read something superb, I could bite into the keyboard!!!!

Just calm browner! Take it to your heart;-)

5 years ago

hello carl,

Daniela’s right!

Overall, the fish also looks pretty “taken”. Unfortunately, the lack occurred to me only when I was engaged.

Why didn’t you see that when you bought it?

Before I buy a fish, or fish, I will certainly stand 30 minutes or longer in front of the sales pool and watch the fish, that should be true for someone who buys fish beyond the €30.-, then immediately notices when something is wrong with them!

That he is ill is out of doubt, but without accurate diagnosis, you should not apply a drug!

Maybe the page is useful for you?

https://www.google.com/search?q= Diseases+for+diskusfisch+bilder&client=firefox-b-d&biw=1536&bih=728&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiO18G9zf7mAhXBI1AKHav5DkAECAAXo