Discrimination against those wishing to die?

I just don't know what to do anymore. The only reason I don't kill myself is the fear of the pain of suicide (because I can't get pain-free euthanasia).

How can this be in 2024?

I feel totally alone and don't see any way to fight for my rights.

It's basically similar to what happens with other minorities. For a long time, homosexuals were considered perverse, but now, thankfully, they're allowed to marry.

Those who wish to die are declared mentally ill and, based on this argument, are denied euthanasia. They are then forced to resort to the painful process themselves.

Incredibly sad.

I just don't understand. It's not my fault that I'm in this world. I wasn't asked beforehand. Why can't I go?

And then there's the added pressure of working. Because if you can't bring yourself to kill yourself because of the fear of the pain, you just have to drag yourself through life and, in turn, go to work to prevent things from getting worse.

I can understand that for someone who simply doesn't question anything and simply follows their instincts, wanting to die is unnatural and, in that sense, sick from their perspective. But unnatural doesn't necessarily mean bad, and it's only sick from the perspective of evolution, which makes living beings want to live. But I don't want to be a slave to evolution.

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6 months ago

So basically you complain that you can’t just kill yourself. We’re supposed to agree with that? Just do it. You’ve done a lot of others before you.

I’m sure GF will be deleted, but I’ll buy it.

Just don’t throw yourself in front of a train. That would be the horror for the train driver.

I saved a roommate at 16. She had cut the pulse veins. Cross. Who really wants to die, he cuts longitudinally.

6 months ago

Denk mal grüntlich drüber nach ,was in einer Gesellschaft passiert wo das erlaubt wäre ?

Für den Staat wäre das ja das einfachste und kosten günstigste ,aber auch das Menschenverachtenste

Das wäre übrigens ja gerade in D nichts neues in der Geschichte .

Da ist der Missbrauch doch vorprogrammiert.

  • Im übrigen ist auch das Sterben mit der Selbstmordpille nicht ganz so einfach .Wie viel immer denken.

Wenn du Psychische Probleme hast dann besorge dir bitte HILFE .

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6 months ago
Reply to  Dokkalfar

No, you don’t, but in the end, that’s what you do.

  • The Abortion Acts zbsp.sollt women before criminalizations once shooters.
  • This has led to the 60 years later each SS being questioned for the first time.Because I know that,because I myself have consulted 15 years of unhappy pregnant women.
  • And today you as a mother hardly have a chance Disabled child to be carried out by you Elective disability before.
  • You get an unbureaucratic help from the state at any time to abortion in D .But find real help In 2024 that helps you live with the child.
  • But be fooled, I guess within the next few decades your desire will be implemented nationwidely.
  • But then it is not asked how much has not been asked today.It will be simply implemented.
6 months ago

The only one here that says bullshit is you.

Prejudice and clichés and no idea of the reality around SS and abortion in 2024,but much left-wing bullshit.

How I love this argument far from reality around SS / abortion …

6 months ago

The only one here that says bullshit is you.

Prejudice and clichés and no idea of the reality around SS and abortion in 2024,but much left-wing bullshit.

6 months ago

to testify to children unquestioned

Absolutely absurd, how do you think you want to testify to child questions?

Life is a gift and if you feel it as a burden, then I regret it for you.

How old are you?

not handicapped.

I know disabled people who like to live :

And perhaps you learn from the manifestations of other people how to live:



6 months ago

Hey The reason why there is no active death aid in Germany is because it is forbidden to do with discrimination really has nothing to do and because you are afraid of the pain in the suicide I am actually quite sure that your life is actually worth something for you. I don’t know what problems you have, I’m in the end just a person on the Internet. But what I can tell you is easy that you shouldn’t just throw away DEIN life like that I’ve had the thoughts of simply ending my life due to bullying but if I had done that, my mobbers would have reached what they wanted and I really didn’t want to give you that and I’m really so grateful that I didn’t do so BITTE BITTE would look for someone to talk to you

(has tried to take my life several times) actually wanted to leave it out, but if it helps you, I would still like to write it.

6 months ago

How do you know that you are a product/slave of evolution and not GOD’s creature?

How do you know if you didn’t like Adam and Eve by your own guilt, so in a preexistence you chose to incarnate on Earth?

How do you know you’re not going straight to hell when you kill yourself?

Why do you think that God cannot help you? His name is JESUS.


6 months ago

Maybe you lack any hormone and everything can change

6 months ago
Reply to  Dokkalfar

You don’t know!

6 months ago

There are theoretical ways to get death aid, but there is a serious, chronic disease that cannot be cured. According to your questions, you don’t have them, so you don’t have any help.

6 months ago
Reply to  Dokkalfar

This has nothing to do with a collateral damage.

Death aid contradicts the meaning and commandments of medicine and should therefore only be applied in cases where it is needed. This is not the case with you.