Discord Bots entfernen?
Hallo ich habe ein paar discord Bots erstellt und Programmiert jetzt sollte ich für jemanden ein Bot Programmieren abder der Bot Muss wieder vom Server runter der owner weigert sich ich bin kein owner aber der Bot schon weshalb ich ihn nicht kicken kann.
Kann mann den Bot irgendwie über discord devoloper entfernen oder wie.
So you created a discord bot for someone, aren’t the owner of the server on an eyeline anymore, and do you want to include the bot?
No good solution, but a possible one.
If you still have access to the bot, you can create a command, e.g. `/leave` that leaves the respective server. If you put the bot on “private” in the Developer Portal, so that it is not public, it can no longer add it to its server.
If you don’t have access to the bot, but it’s already hosted on a server, then only the bot’s closing in the Developer Portal helps.
I would have a solution, the simplest and most cost-effective away is my opinion about Bot Designer for Discord. There you simply insert your bot with the token, create a command that removes the bot from a special server. If you need help, you can contact me by discord or email.
Discord: stelldirvor
Email: service.smalllauch@gmail.com
If you delete your messenger, you remove it completely. Then its profile on the respective server should also be deleted.
I also want to keep my server