Discord 2FA Authentifizierung 2025 deaktivieren?
Bei mir steht nirgends etwas von “2FA deaktivieren”. Muss ich dafür noch vorher irgendwelche Schritte einleiten, irgendwas machen oder wie geht das?
Bevor die Frage kommt: Die 2FA brauchte ich für die Moderation auf einem Server, wo das als Sicherheitseinstellung festgelegt war. Jetzt stört es mich aber mehr, als dass es mir etwas bringen würde, es behindert mich, da ich es nicht mehr brauche.
Also wie kann ich die 2FA deaktivieren? Siehe Bild
Danke im Voraus
I’m guessing you’re going to delete the hardware key “Friendly”. Download the back codes before but if anything goes wrong.
Ups… thank you.
I feel, maybe sometimes I’d rather have a little bit of self-suffering and thinking, I probably could have come up with it myself… Well, better for you, you definitely have the asterisk 😜.
Nice Tuesday and thank you again!
If you want to remove everything, you have to do the piece by piece. Start with the bottom key. This can be a key file on your PC or a USB security key (which you can connect to the PC and unlock it with fingerprint). I can’t find out what the key is because this isn’t described there, but I’m tapping a file key that’s stored on your PC.
Remove this with the key and then you can also remove the other security authentications.
As I see, you only activated the security key and the SMS as authentication. If you have removed the 2 keys, you don’t need keys or SMS codes anymore.
If you have problems removing these keys, you can download the backup codes. This is the trick. You only need to enter your password and code with the backup codes, because you got it by email. You don’t need keys or SMS codes for this, and you can also easily download the backup codes.