Dirigentin vor Orchester?
Vor ca. 15 Jahren unterhielt ich mich mal mit einer professionellen Orchestermusikerin wohlgemerkt, die sagte, sie halte nichts von Dirigentinnen. Frauen kämen einfach nicht so rüber und könnten ein Orchester nicht so zusammenhalten wie Männer. Auch, wenn ich als Musiker nur ein gehobenes Laienniveau bestreiten kann, hielt ich schon damals nichts von diesser These und vermute, dass damals vielleicht noch wenige Dirigentinnen überzeugten, lag schlicht daran, dass es noch wenige gab.
Ich bewertete das ähnlich wie die Aussage meiner Großmutter, die fand, Frauen hätten als Pfarrerinnen nichts auf Kanzeln zu suchen. Sie lehnte es schlicht ab, weil es ungewohnt für sie war.
Wie sehen das andere?
This is an imprecisely untimely general statement.
I’m just trying to compare that women are generally not funny. This is such a sexistic statement that has imho a real core, at least.
But remember… if women can’t hold the orchestra together, they might not work as a teacher or coach. It’s not like that.
What can be natural is that the conductors who have met the musician have not been aggressive or enforceable enough for their taste.
To be honest; I find that such statements are extremely rare nowadays, but the opposite is turned out by some people with a disgusting penetrance.
It’s widespread. Yesterday there was a report on doctors in hospitals, which are hardly accepted by colleagues.
Yeah, I’m sorry. at the time, I found that an orchestral musician did not accept a conductor.
Women don’t follow men in conducting.
I think so. I saw a recording of the Verdi requiem the other day, I’m afraid I can’t find it anymore. Since a woman conducts, with very precise strokes and missions.
That’s because it’s always been that and it just doesn’t have to be…
Let’s learn rethink! Let’s just be modern.
I was in a choir – added: No orchestra – which a choir director has conducted. I found the lady extremely great! She was in her element and with enthusiasm. She knew what she did and we loved them all!
It’s really amazing. And above all, how even the gender distribution in the orchestras of the country is now and how few conductors still exist. But what could I have said to the orchestral musician? I’m the man, she’s the woman, I’m the laie, her professional. I was pretty quiet and thought of my part.
In choirs, this is often something else. Organizers have been there for quite a long time (not least because without them there would have been practically no church music after the 2nd World War because of the lack of men after the 2nd World War, and then one has seen that they have it just as much as men) and as long as there are, they also lead choirs, so are quite accepted in the church choir scene, and the church choir culture has strongly also radiated into the church choir scene.
Women can lift everything like men, except badly.
Not all the same: women cannot get men’s flu!
No women or men’s influenza.
Boah like silly. Didn’t you read the question of the FS? Was that too much text for you? Diseases were nix.
Yes – it fits. You wrote that women can do everything the same as men.
No – they can’t. They can’t get the men’s flu! It’s a fact.
Well, I don’t think that’s right.
Exactly! That’s the men’s flu.
They can’t get women.
No, I only know the men are much more painful in colds or small injuries than women.
Ohh! Don’t you know the famous men’s influenza? Make yourself smart.