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2 years ago

A bleeding is largely an Internet phenomenon – everyone has read something about it, but in everyday life it never occurs. I’ve never heard of any woman from my acquaintance that she had.

So you should probably assume that you won’t get insinuation.

Your female physician can test blood from 8 days after the calculated fertilization date. Fertilization always takes place on the day of ovulation, even if the GV, which has led to fertilization, was already several days before.

Commercial early tests in urine are supposed to suggest 6 days before the expected control bleeding – but the earlier you test, the lower the concentrations of the pregnancy hormone ßhCG in urine, and the less reliable is the test. So better wait a few more days longer.

2 years ago


The infusion bleeding occurs (if any) approximately between Es+9 and ES+12.

I’d recommend you wait a bit. If you want to have a safe result test with an early test (10s) at the Es+14 then you have a very safe answer. It is usually too early for a test right after the insertion. If you really want to know urgently, then leave a blood test with the doctor/Gyn.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



2 years ago

All six days before your period should come. But this is often negative even if you are positive 🙂

so best just before the period