Direkt möglich Spirale einsetzen zu lassen?
Hallo ihr lieben 😊
Ich habe am Montag einen Frauenarzt Termin, weil ich mit der Pille sehr unzufrieden bin – also quasi einen Beratungstermin für Verhütung. Ist aber auch schon mein zweiter Beratungstermin für Verhütung. (Hatte dort nur eine andere Pille bekommen)
Mein Freund und ich haben uns für die Spirale entschieden 😊
zur meiner Frage: Ist das möglich, das meine Frauenärztin am Beratungstermin mir direkt die Spirale einsetzt oder brauche ich dafür nochmal einen extra Termin?
You need an extra appointment.
For the first time, the pill must be dropped. Then, in practice, paperwork has to be made beforehand (sickness insurance, cost acceptance etc.). After that, you need another investigation and an interview, and then the spiral can be used after consent (signature). Unfortunately, you can’t do that so easily by the way.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
No the pill must and should not be removed beforehand but the insert takes place
idr during bleeding.
You can also use the spiral if you have not taken the pill beforehand. In addition, it also comes to which spiral it gets the hormone spiral or the copper spiral
Thank you for your answer 😊
through my antibiotic, I had to stop taking the pill anyway. then I didn’t take it again, because I had no proper bleeding due to antibiotics.
It would then be the copper spiral
but in both cases there is no reason to put off the pill beforehand and in the sense of a continuous protection it would not be desirable – if it actually does not wear the pilel – which, fortunately, is very rare – a hormone spiral would be contraindicated
No, not really. They often have not in stock and spirals are preferably used during the period. Sometimes tests are done
You want a copper spiral? A hormone spiral is not recommended to you if you do not get clear with the pill
Yes exactly one copper spiral would then be 😊
The insert is idR during bleeding. What problems do you have with the pill?
It is advantageous if you have your days, because then it is more open down. but they can still use
well the problems you have pill now.
IdR has no problems with the pill – otherwise use during the bleeding – the timen can be done with pill. If you actually have problems with the pill, a hormone spiral would be contraindicated, in case of strong bleeding/cracking, the copper spiral is contraindicated
Yes I do not contradict, but in the width there are, fortunately, only a few with negative NW (more than 10%).
may be, yet many people (also I know) have problems with the pill. I’m not the only one who has problems with the pill. That’s what I’m talking about.
Clearly, there is only the statement that you have problems with the pill – sounded as if that was the rule – what it is not fortunately
But I have these problems, and you can’t generalize that because every person is individual.