Digital AI projection as a news channel?

Could one perhaps digitize a person, in this case, the Tagesschau presenter Susanne Daubner, completely as a 3D model (i.e., every body aspect and muscles) and equip it with an AI program? So, as "real" as possible and with built-in self-directed body language and facial expressions, and of course, a voice. I think something like that might be possible in 100 years, if the real Susanne dies, but she still remains an "important" (or maybe not) role in the Tagesschau. I also think one should be careful not to give the AI ​​too many rights and only play the role of presenter.

It doesn't necessarily have to be Susanne Daubner. It can be various people, whether as a news anchor or something else. But I hope you can follow what I mean.

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1 year ago

You don’t have to wait 100 years, that’s practically possible now and I think in the next 5 to 10 years this will be possible until perfection.