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For me, this is the rear head (top rear – skull cover) of a horse or donkey:
drawn from this link here – picture in the annex
Hey, that sounds good! You’re right! You have to Other think…
Yes, if it’s not in the front, it’s gotta work in the back. :
It was clear to me that it could not be a front view, because no animal would have such “countries”.
In terms of size, I think it must have been a larger mammal.
Great! That’s it. Thank you for the lateral thinking and looking!! Horse, or Ross, fits perfectly to the site. Probably even a skull fragment from the 18th or 19th century.
Thank you both for the nice confirmations in the comments! : )
These toothplates have also completely irritated me, something could not vote;)
The “fangs” also read me about an alien… But I didn’t come to the idea of trimming the (dead) horse from behind. Great compliment to you!
Badly photographed, gray on gray, you can hardly imagine the outlines of the skull. Make better photos.
@Bitterkraut: I have to give you the right. Follow a few better views. I’m glad if we can find out what this is.
I’m typing on a pig’s upper jaw, but I don’t have to be a wild boar. Here for comparison:\_337943.html
Very weathered, of course.
Where’s the place?
Evtl a Coyote
Yes, coyotes are so common in this country.
How do you know he found him here?
I also need glasses
Anyway, I can’t remember reading something from a site somewhere
Probably goats, or sheepsuck!
What do you see?