Dieses 50 GB Spiel lässt sich nicht deinstallieren…hilfe?

Ich habe vor einiger Zeit “The Witcher 3” auf meinem Laptop (acer, Windows 10) installiert (bescheuert, ich weiß). Nun wollte ich es deinstallieren weil es unglaublich viel Platz auf dem Internen Speicher beansprucht… aber es geht nicht!

Ich bin auf Einstellingen -> Apps und Spiele -> The Witcher 3 -> Deinstallieren (Ändern war keine Option) und es kam folgende Fehlermeldung: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe” konnte nicht gefunden werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Namen richtig eingegeben haben und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang.

Bei Steam Steht nur Spiel installieren (d.h. logischerweise dass ich es dort nicht deinstallieren kann)

Weiß jemand was man da Machen kann? Ich wäre sehr dankbar über eine Antwort/ Lösung…

Danke schonmal,

Johanna 🙂

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5 years ago

You should only uninstall the game with the launcher. Download Steam and log in. This may even go over the web interface and remove the game by right-clicking under the “Bibliothek” -> “Uninstall Game”.

5 years ago

So if you have it on Steam then so -> Make a right-click on the game in the library and select yours.

If you’re an emergency, you’ll just delete the game folder. Is not the most elegant solution and there are also some data on dr hard drive, but then eat it now.

5 years ago

Then uninstall on Steam or if you don’t have to install Steam, uninstall Witcher 3 and then uninstall Steam again.

5 years ago

are you still on the PC? Have you tried to uninstall it via steam?

5 years ago
Reply to  dancefloor55

The simplest version would be about the Revo Uninstaller: https://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html

5 years ago

Servus Johanna.

Have you tried the Revo Uninstaller before?

Download here: https://www.revouninstaller.com/revo_uninstaller_free_download.html

There you can even test the Pro version 30 days free!

I can only recommend this program to you! If I want to get rid of a program, I always take the Revo Uninstaller.

5 years ago

A program must always be removed by its own Uninstaller. In this case, it works via the launcher. Third-party programs can cause massive damage!

5 years ago
Reply to  Haituga

I don’t care about it – I don’t have any damage to my Windows 7 PC & Laptop until today – so I still use the program!

Albert Einstein once said: “The stupidity of man is like the universe boundless” 😀

5 years ago

After my experience, he deletes the registry entries! And manually delete may be, but it’s too cumbersome to me – so the Revo Uninstaller.

5 years ago

In many work, it would be a waste of time if you don’t get commission;-).

But does revo really delete the registry entries?

In addition, registry entries and other temp or save data can also be manually deleted.

5 years ago

If you mean… – but forget that many residual files are still preserved and the registry entries from the program to be uninstalled are not deleted!

You see, data waste én mass!

By the way: would I post these links if I did not receive a proper commission? (grins)

5 years ago

No really helpful comment. It would be better to uninstall and delete the manual.

By the way, do you have commission?