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3 years ago

This means long-term statistics

And especially for winter:

3 years ago

A single event or a single season in a single place says nothing. Here in Central Europe, the temperature depends much more on where the wind blows from than on average temperature. It’s about 30 degrees to 2 degrees.
15 °C for Christmas there was also in my youth, which was half a century ago. It is about whether this becomes more common, and this can only be explained by data, not by the chronically unreliable human memory. Or by extremes that there are at Christmas 19 °C instead of 15. But that this new extreme would have been impossible 50 years ago, can only be calculated by models.
So or so are to be at the Ar… or stand before the decision of who you believe:
The hairdresser of Uncle Alfred’s neighbor or pros.

3 years ago

If you only look at this winter, you can’t make any statements about the climate. But yes, such winters are growing through anthropogenic climate change. And since in the recent past it has become so mild winters, it can be said that it is climate change.

3 years ago

It’s all climate change.

If it’s called when it’s cold when it’s flooded when it storms, always.

There was no such thing before climate change.

3 years ago
Reply to  ZoltanGar

Call me the time “VOR KLIMAWANDEL”. In which century “from-to” there was this time, where there were allegedly NO climate change.

3 years ago
Reply to  Solarkritiker

I bet 1000€ that there were storms and floods, we say in 1805.

And Tsunamis.

An outbreak of the Krakatau was a tsunami! But that was 1883, when there was already the same industry, so was also climate change.

3 years ago

Then the term “climate change” is defined first, because I have a letter from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 2010, where it is clearly stated that an exact definition of the term “climate change” does not exist.

In this respect, anyone who establishes everything possible with the term “climate change” is necessarily an esoteric and/or…?

In 1816 there was the “year without summer” due to the outbreak of Tambora in April 1815.

3 years ago

No, that’s Weather (relative to the day) and if this same “weather” lasts for days of meher, it is called “Weather“…

3 years ago

He’s a fact, but with an event you can’t prove it, but only about the multitude. That more and more violent storms come this year than usual is an indication, but no evidence. But it is very likely that there is a connection

3 years ago

This is not proof of climate change. Whether there will be snow, maybe this winter will show off.

My knowledge is the second storm this year. So still completely normal.

3 years ago



3 years ago

It is a single year more related to the current/jetstream and not to climate change.

3 years ago
Reply to  Auerhahn4

Correct: If the jet stream/flow runs for one year, it can be called “climate change” if this jet stream/flow has changed in previous years. Then you can call the change(!) of the current/jetstream as climate change. Climate change is then Result or another expression for the change in the jetstream flow.

So far correct.

What is now done by climate change scientists:
Climate change : the change in the jetstream flow, i.e. the actual result(!) will now also become Cause(!) explained.

This circulatory science, which is based on itself, then describes the climate change hysterics as so-called new-modic and euphemistically. Attribution research. In reality, this attribution research is scientific waste.

3 years ago

Where I live, there is still (something) snow. It’s normal.