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27 days ago

As an outfit I would like a tight medium to dark blue jeans that are put into the boots, but it would also go as a contrast, for example a red, black, beige or yellow pants – you have to trust, go it and could look really cool;-)

In addition, a white long-sleeved shirt, about a carded short-sleeved blouse (maybe red/white or so) and a coat or trench coat ;-). That’s exactly how my former girlfriend ran around occasionally and it looked very cool in the combination. Blouse and long-sleeved shirt had always put them in jeans and wore a wide leather belt, which was either brown or black depending on the shoes. Here would be a leather belt in the brown of boots, definitely looks great!

27 days ago

Small black or a tight jeans or leggins.

Maybe that’s how a camel-colored coat…

27 days ago

I think with a beautiful skirt or jeans
