Diebstahl von Paketen?
Ich habe gehört dass es in letzter Zeit vermehrt zu Diebstahl von Paketen mit Absendern von Cannabis Apotheken gekommen sein soll.
Wer haftet am Ende bei einem verschwinden des Paketes, wenn die Apotheke keine Regeln für einen solchen Fall definiert hat?
Bin ich als Patient dann wirklich im zweifel gezwungen wochenlang meinem Geld hinter zu rennen???
The pharmacy must be liable, so it works for commercial dealers in Germany.
The pharmacy can do enough for packages not to be stolen, e.g. send a fake or not branding.
A commercial consignor shall be liable for the package until the proven delivery to the recipient or his authorised representative.
And yes, it can still be that you are glorifying the money or the goods for weeks, because first it must be checked whether the package is really not with you.
And if the apo is abroad, it may be even more difficult.
Apo is a Germany, but the package has been stuck in the Obertshausen package centre for 3 days, just this package centre where theft chance of cannabis is highest.
Also gives some reports about theft in this parcel center…
But shouldn’t the Apo somehow have the duty to pack decent when they already know what parcel center it is going through?!
At any rate, I do not see how to justify myself as a customer and I expect a quick delivery with improved packaging and without sender.
Theft of packages with senders of cannabis pharmacies should have come.
I don’t think I’ll be on the package!
Most often there is medical content, which can also be diapers!
Even if it doesn’t stand on it you can smell it when they use these cheap plastic cans.
Packages are guaranteed up to 500 euros in a stadium.
No matter how it’s going out and who’s like a prisoner. Buy your stuff in the pharmacy around the corner.
It can’t be that we are at a point where every illegal ticker delivers more reliable than pharmacies…
This was now the first attempt with medical and directly something stolen, awesome!
This isn’t the pharmacy thing when something comes away. I’ve been ordering over 10 years on the Internet, never got away. I can only recommend medication by clicking.