Diebstahl Verluste von der Steuer absetzbar?
Grüße 🖖
Mein 1200euro teures Fahrrad wurde mir letzte Nacht gestohlen.
Vor kurzem wurde mir mein Roller gestohlen, mit einigen teuren Gegenständen.
Jetzt habe ich gegoogelt das man den Zeitwert von der Steuer absetzen kann. Allerdings verstehe ich nur die Hälfte von dem was da steht.
Kann mir jemand das recht einfach erklären?
You may be able to deduct this from the tax as an exceptional burden. I don’t think it is. Because what is your private property for the state?
If you have no idea why are you answering?
There is something of existential necessity. I do not think a bicycle or a scooter is essential for life
I think you can wait long. It won’t even explain to you a financial officer.
Or I’m waiting for someone who knows it
Maybe close your bike next time safer or not leave a 2000 Euro bike outside;)
You can’t leave the tax. At the most, the insurance may take part if your property is insured.
I only know this in case of total damage in an accident on the way of work. Advertising costs
” Quote:
cause an accident with total damage on the way to work;will always win you an advertising cost reduction if the accident car was not older than eight years at the time of the accident.
In principle, a loss due to theft does not constitute special expenditure or extraordinary charges.
… unless it is an object of the economic process.