Diebstahl im Hotel in Spanien?
Ich arbeite aktuell in Spanien bei einem Reiseunternehmen. Vor kurzem wurde allerdings in mein Hotelzimmer eingebrochen und viele Wertgegenstände gestohlen (der Schadenswert beläuft sich auf etwa 3000€). Polizei sagt ” Kann man nichts machen”, Hotel sagt “Kann man nichts machen”
Habe ich irgendeine Chance das entschädigt zu bekommen?
Depends on whether and how you are insured. If you have documents of the items that have been stolen from you, you will make an ad and then you can try to claim the sum of your insurance.
How successful this will be depends on your insurance and the fact that you can somehow prove the property of the stolen things.
Sure, but I think the hotel would have to be liable for too little security. Doors windows etc were all locked and were still as I came back in.
Sorry, BLÖDSINN, big bullshit!
“due to low safety precautions”
You already knew this state before. If you still leave valuables worth 3000 euros in the room, you are at least negligent if not grossly negligent!!!
If you’re gonna be in your apartment, you’re gonna put the landlord in custody?
You can assume that your room has a door – and you can assume that this door was closed. The hotel can’t protect you from burglary. You have an insurance for that.
Possibly your household insurance pays, depends on what you have for a contract, what has been stolen and, of course, whether that is legible.
Of course:
Once the perpetrator is determined, you can civil law to turn.
What about insurance for yours?
Only if you had insurance.
Otherwise, you can’t do anything.
Didn’t the hotel have to be responsible for low security or something?
You could have given your valuables to the hotelier for custody, then he’s liable.
If your insurance doesn’t come in, you can’t do anything.
Do not make valuables in the hotel room, do not wear real jewelry/watches, do not leave expensive electronics unattended. Basic rules in Spain!
Expensive tuition….
If you’re supposed to be insured, you’ll get your insurance damage.
And every good hotel offers a hotel safe for valuables, regardless of these ominous furniture retreats.
If you don’t use it, you’ve had bad luck!
If you have a German employer, you can deduct the damage from the tax.
Depends on whether and how you had insured your valuables.
Anything for your household insurance if you have it with the right rate
yes, find the perpetrator and hope he still has the clothes