Die Zwiebel im alten Ägypten?
Die Zwiebel war im alten Ägypten ein Grundnahrungsmittel. Auch die Pyramidenarbeiter bekamen einen Teil ihres Lohnes in Zwiebeln ausbezahlt. Es ist also anzunehmen, das sie in größeren Mengen zubereitet und gegessen wurde. Meine Frage wäre einfach, – war die Zwiebel damals anders als heute? Schmeckte sie milder? Oder hatte sie damals auch schon ihre geschmackliche Schärfe? Wurde da etwas überliefert?
I have not found any hints of mild taste in a short review of the online available text sources.
Old Egyptian onions were in any case white or at least light-colored (this comes from the name)
It is not always clear whether it is onions, garlic, or a similar plant.
At one point they are compared with teeth, so they probably weren’t that big. Also in the pictures they often look like spring onions.
In another place, they should spread a ‘Gluthauch’, which sounds to me like a bad mouth smell 😀
Well, if they had eaten the onions, like we potatoes or noodles…
So the onions were sharp even then, I guess.
I see no indication of excessive consumption. It was a popular vegetable.
I don’t know anything about overlaying.
However, a greater variety of onions can also be found nowadays. There are very mild and also many other varieties.
Maybe they defeated the sea people like that! If the Egyptian army has set itself backwards to the shore and let down some wind, the ships will be rotten under the ass! 🤣
The Fog. The nebula of the grey! 🧅🌪💨🏴 lichen️