The sperm of cattle or pigs are sorted – why not in chickens?
With cattle and pigs, it's often done by removing all male sperm, so a cow or sow can then only produce female calves and piglets. Why isn't this done with chickens instead of gassing the male chicks? Isn't that possible, or what's the problem? Roosters can be inseminated just the same, so that's not the problem.
Please ignore the remaining answers here, because so far all are absolutely wrong. It is neither a cost question nor a problem. It slowly annoys me that these two things are used as reasons for everything bad in the world.
Your mistake: You compare mammals with birds. While a bull has both male and female germ cells, this is not the case with the cock. A cock has only male sperm! So if all male sperms were sorted out, there would be no fertilization at all.
In poultry it is so that the hen influences the sex of the chicks, because here it is that which has both male and female germ cells.
because it was cheaper so far to shred or gasify the cock and it was allowed.
This time is fortunately over soon and it can be found in the egg quite early, which sex the chicken has.
I don’t know if you’ve been thinking about the path.
By the way: in cattle and pigs it does not always work to ‘generate’ the desired sex.
That’s the cost.
For a slaughtered cattle there is (at least with us) 1500€. Compare this with the value of a mast horn (at 9€ they are very well paid). The work is not profitable.
to separate the sperm you have to win it first. It’s a prisoner. It is also difficult and expensive to feed in hens.
I had the idea to do myself with the sorting of sperms of horses. But I was advised by two producers of sperm (beef cattle).
Too expensive. See how much value a calf has and how many cows a farmer and then compare with the chickens.
If it costs 100 to 50,- per piece every time, a kiss but somehow 0.1 Euro/Franken whatever?
It’s just about money money money, because the welfare of the animal doesn’t interest many, even not the egg buyers.
You could allow chickens to live in an appropriate way and raise the male chickens for meat. But this is not worth it and customers are accustomed to these perverted mastics.
Have you ever sat a cock of the laying lines? It has nothing more to do with good meat…
I have own chickens with a gockel and a kiss, a two-use chicken. And yes, I eat them, they’re good bye, just come to the table today. Just not so much after 5 months.
They don’t taste like this tormenting of mastics. Everyone who buys, commits and supports the worst animal cruelty.
Yeah, I know you’re a producer. As long as there are too much selfish monetary people who are indifferent to animals and legislators who tolerate it, you almost don’t get out.
From my colleague I know that he sells animals kept for species from hobby animals, about 3 to 4 kg slaughter weight for 50Sfr. So there are people who pay for it. I also get my eggs for 1 sFr, voluntarily. Whenever I gave eggs I get a greedy customer back. Because the eggs are not only eco, but hammer in taste.
The meat is also torn out of the hands by real economists with cows with horns and freewheels.
So there is a market.
It is important that people see your attitude, let them go in and be completely sure that they have not even been cheated with pseudooeco eggs again.
Try it with a website and a farm shop including direct purchase and online.
I was with a farmer and hobby baker yesterday, I’ve been standing for 1 h for a preordered bread per sms. She had so many customers despite vereister streets and safy prices. But you know that everything is natural and regional and so it tastes.
Another Beisiel an oerkohof and an adventure farm, with direct sale and apother prizes. No matter, it’s four times long and sells very well. For this you can see the fields, especially the pumpkins lying around are advertising by themselves.
What I want to say is, if you can show that you produce ethically and properly, you will also get double in the direct sale and it will still be ripped out of your hand.
However, other aspects must also be included. A dual hair does not bring the same power as the masthybrides and legehybrides. Dual chickens consume much more food than they lay eggs and put meat. That’s why it’s not easy for businesses to switch to dual. I myself currently hold Legehybrids (Lohmann Brown-Lite) and I will switch to two-use chickens (Novogen Dual) next year. But not everyone can afford that.
I didn’t write you to work with Legehybrids.
The whole eggs and power breeding has long since been only perversion, which already shows that German-language has been proclaiming to Africa(!) because it is cheaper?????!!!
No, I’m more pleasing for kind attitude and dual-huhn.
This is not a comparison, a dual hair is not a legehybrid. The so-called brethren of the laying hens did not use good meat. Hardly anyone would want to buy something like that. Neither do they have a lot of meat, like a broiler, nor do they have taste, like an old laying.
Good question, really. Especially since the male chicks are shredded. Cruel. Maybe that’s not possible with chickens?
Hello a beef and a pig can’t be taken off as they are feminine, as well as never heard of it, as well as you need the cops for sausage production
There really is any assertion wrong
Beef is the kind of female is cow, bull or bull male, pig is the type, so female, eber (with ab) male and is made from old animals
Rind is Female, bulle Male, Pig is Female Ebber is Male
and (Nonne Female) is sterilized