Die pille danach?
Hallo zusammen
ich und mein Freund hatten 2 Tage hintereinander Sex ohne Schutz (bzw. Condom). Er ist nie in mir gekommen. Ich habe die Pille danach am 2. Tag direkt nach dem Verkehr genommen. Kann es sein das ich Schwanger werde trotz der Pille danach? Ich habe keine Erfahrungen da ich noch Jungfrau war. Kann jmd mir helfen?
(Ich sollte am 25. meine Periode bekommen wir hatten Sex am 23. und 24. Also 2 Tage vor der Menstruation )
The pill after that was unnecessary.
Two days before the period one is usually not fertile and he has not come within you, the likelihood of pregnancy was dizzyingly low though not zero.
The pill then causes only a hormone chaos in your body. You will probably get quite anxious to be pregnant because your period will either not come at all or from now on will come completely irregular because the pill then brings your hormones together. You are certainly not pregnant because the combination of unexisting egg, colitus interruptus and pill makes pregnancy almost entirely impossible.
The pill after that is an emergency medication and should only be taken if there is a serious risk of unwanted pregnancy, so before you take it you have to consider how likely a pregnancy is actually. Of course, you can always go to number safe, but the pill after that should not be the solution but prevent it even during sexual intercourse. It makes me feel a little bit that you dare to have the first time without prevention. But you learn from it and if your ‘friend’ rejects the condom and asks you to prevent the pill without going into the discussion at all, then you should really consider whether someone is intolerant as he is really worth it. I don’t know him, but if he’s acting like in my description, you’ll really think about it before you get there with a child and possibly without a father and you’ll be told that you’re guilty.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Why did you even take the pill after that if you’ve kept condoms?
This is an emergency medication and not a smartie. This sometimes has severe side effects and condoms are absolutely safe when you use them properly. The pill after that would be necessary if the condom were torn what you would have seen
We did without…
Honestly why do you do that?
Yeah, you can still get pregnant. If your ovulation was already, then the pill can no longer enchant.
Please prevent. IMMER!!!!
The pill after that is NO contraceptive
And you are no longer a virgin. You can also inform yourself about prevention before the first sex
Yeah, but only 24 hours or not? 2 days before the period unlikely…
In a teenager, I do not take this “if my period would actually get” seriously. Young girl = irregular cycle anyway.
She should be serious enough for me.
Sure, I understand… You should also explain to people the serious situation… 🙂
If you had sex, you’re not a virgin.
And the pill after that only works when it is taken before the ovulation. It was too late two days before the expected period.
But the ovulation was 14 days before my period🤔
Yeah, right, and you’ve got the pill for a second. before the period taken. However, it must be able to work (shift the ovulation), before ovulation to be taken.
Immediately before the “correct” calculated/ calculateable menstrual beginning – that is, with a reliable cycle, woman cannot become pregnant:
Predicts “correct calculation”. And a regular cycle. What you can’t expect from both teenagers
I’ve read that, but I’m still afraid I could be pregnant. But actually, if my ovulation was over and I had sex two days before the menstruation, I should be infertile.