Die Periode alle 10 Wochen bekommen trotz Pille?
Hey Leute, ich fange heute an das erste Mal die Pille zu nehmen und habe schon ein paar Fragen dazu.
ich nehme die Maexeni 20 und meine Freundin nimmt dieselbe, nun meinte sie heute zu mir dass sie ihre Periode gar nicht mehr bekommt sondern nur die Abbruchsblutung, und das ist ja auch richtig so.
Allerdings meinte mein Frauenarzt zu mir, dass ich die Periode dann alle 10 Wochen bekomme mit der Pille.
kann mir jemand vielleicht erklären warum das so ist und ob das wirklich so ist?
No, usually it’s not like that.
Actually, it’s like your girlfriend. You take them for 21 days and then have a 7-day break where there is a bleeding. There is also the possibility to take the pill through and no longer get the period.
From ‘every 10 weeks’ I haven’t heard anything yet asking your competent gynecologist.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
What do you mean to “take the pill” ? And how is it when you get the bleeding off after the 7 days? Do you not have to take them or do you still have to take them after the 7 days?
Thank you!
Taking the pill is not a break of 7 days. At the Maexeni 20 I don’t know if it’s possible. There are special preparations and pills with which this is possible. If you want to do this, talk to your gyn.
Whether your bleeding was already or not, on the 8th day you take the pill again. The abortion bleeding should not actually get during taking the pill if then just ignore it and say it next time at the gyn.
Okay, thank you!! 😊
Hello anonym111443
The Maexeni 20 will take you 21 days, then you will take 7 days to the break (in this time you will get a bleeding and no period. This bleeding can be weaker or stronger, it can also fail. On the 8th day you start taking again, regardless of whether you had a bleeding or whether it still stops.
So you’ll get your bleeding quite regularly every 28 days
Greetings HobbyTfz
You could have asked your gyn directly.
Because you usually have your bleeding every four weeks with this 21/7 pill. Do you want to take the pill without a break and only stand after 3 blisters each a week?
I didn’t ask him because it would be a normal sound. Don’t know me about it and only since today knows that it’s apparently not going 😅
I should take the pill for 21 days and then make a 7-day pill break, exactly. Only then did he mean that I would still get my “normal” period every 10 weeks.
I think you understood something wrong, or he said something strange. If you were to take three blisters without a break, you would have the bleeding (also here not the period) every 10 weeks – but in the 21/7 rhythm you have them every 4 weeks.
Either way, you can just ask again at the next visit. But until then you should take the pill first according to the package leaflet and expect a bleeding every 4 weeks.
Oki Thank you!