Die Oberleitung an der Bahn stell dir keine permanente Gefahr dar?

Ist das nicht gefährlich wenn man am Bahnsteig steht und diese uninsolierten Oberleitung von der Bahn sieht. Hab immer Angst das man da stromschlag bekommt oder wenn man mal da unter der Oberleitung durch muss

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6 years ago

very dangerous, so you should not look high!

6 years ago

As long as you have enough distance, there’s nix. It becomes critical when you climb freight cars or climb up to the mast. Theoretically, you have to keep 1.5m distance. The line hangs around 5m. So even a 2m tower still has enough air up… 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  BrokenMachine0

You don’t get involuntarily!

6 years ago
Reply to  BrokenMachine0

The tram in Cologne, for example, has only 800V on the roadway. On the other hand, the DB actually has around the 16-17kV… (one speaks of 15kV… But are more)

The S-Bahn Berlin runs (laut Wiki) with 750V, Hamburg with 1200V… Since the small distance is not as critical as it is not as fast for arc formation due to approximation as in the DB with the high voltage. But unthinkable movements can also be foolish… So always keep the distance you don’t accidentally get too close. But a distance won a few cm are at least safe as long as you don’t move unthinkable…

4 years ago

In Berlin and Hamburg you can also get nucht to the lines

6 years ago

The overhead line usually hangs at a height of 5.5m, it can go down to 4.95m, but there is no crossover at such locations. You are even if you stretch your arm smaller than 2.5m. The 3m safety distance is guaranteed.

6 years ago

The line is high enough that can’t happen to you. Unless you’re wearing a 5m long metal tube with a high angle under the line. Then it could be tight.

6 years ago

I have only known deaths of crazy people who climbed freight cars and touched the lead. Isn’t that wrong?

Have you got it? “Angst to be climbed”or how do we understand? How are you going to get to the lead?