Die Läden sind nur 2 Tage zu und in den Supermärkten herrscht Panik ob Morgen der 3 WK ausbricht.. was ist los mit den Leuten 🤔🤔🤔?
War heute bei Edeka, die Leute stehen vor der Tür ob es was umsonst gebe
Der Mitarbeiter lässt erst einen rein, wenn einer rauskommt
Die Regale halbwegs leer wie die Kühlschränke.. Man könnte denken ist DDR Woche
Yes, it happens every year and will not change. It is often the case that the shopping carts are overcrowded and not even everything is used up. But this panic will always exist
Presumably, they are no longer allowed abroad and must be cared for here.
Probably they don’t have any intention of fraud.
This is every year, whether Easter, Pentecost, Christmas or other holidays.
Sarcastically, Christmas always comes so suddenly.
Yes, madness is real…
It’s like New Year’s…
“Peace the huts! War the palaces!”
It is so every year, it changes only a little depending on the day of the week holy evening. But people are always the same stupid.
klopapier all oh fucking 🤯 and at that time corona
These are the ones who are too stupid to plan.
Reminds me a Corona time.
You couldn’t even find toilet paper!
That’s it every year. Get better
This is so every year that many people do not plan ahead and at the last moment make their purchases for the holidays. You obviously too.
You go shopping again today and wonder why other people go shopping today? Probably for the same reason as you.
How do you know? Have you got yourself in line 😉