Die Einnahme von Anti-Psychotika verkürzt dein Leben bis zu 20 Jahre oder mehr?

Kann mir einer erklären warum das so ist? Ist es die Schizophrenie die dein Leben verkürzt auch? Endet eine Schizophrenie immer in eine frühzeitige Demenz?

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7 months ago

Antipsychotics, at least the elderly, are correct badboys with partially devastating side effects. The newer preparations are better tolerated. I know that of epilepsy drugs I took myself and took the acquaintances from a self-help group. Most of them had long-term damage to liver heart and also bones, even older antidepressants are similarly knitted.

schizophrenia does not necessarily end in a premature dementia, although schizophrenia was diagnosed in earlier times as a form of dementia, as Dementia praecox.

7 months ago

this is because the natural organism is messed up with artificial pills or brought into imbalance. This imbalance translates to everything in the body, even to age

7 months ago

To your question, the facts that you refer to are missing, I can’t find any information now that you just say remotely.

From my point of view, it is only a highly questionable, little credible and also validly formulated assertion (“up to… or more” means exactly nix more and the 20 years are only a psychological anchor without further relevance).

7 months ago
Reply to  AdvanPadawan

But there is little of dementia and that now the neuroleptics trigger them. The main factors for a drastically reduced life expectancy are suicide and cardiovascular diseases (more overweight than in the general population). The disorderly overweight also strongly correlated with dementia is no secret. But from all the information it is NOT clear that A neuroleptic dementia triggers or B is the dementia of the main factor in the reduced life expectancy.

7 months ago

The natural variation of life expectancy is greater than that caused by schizophrenia.

The same applies to the entry of dementia. Since some people are still quite clear in their head at 110 years, a 20-year earlier entry of dementia meant about 90. Even today, the average life expectancy is significantly lower.

But of course, no disease promotes health, but at most spiritual productivity.

7 months ago

Does a schizophrenia always end in an early dementia?

No, she’s increasing the risk. A study has shown that a 66 year old with schizophrenia has the same dementia risk as a healthy person with 86 years.

7 months ago

This spell has long been denied and turned off as a satire