Die chronologische Reihenfolge von Star Wars Filmen und Serien?
Unter dieser Frage findest du eine Antwort auf die Frage, in welcher chronologischen Reihenfolge du die Star wars Filme und Serien schauen solltest. Beachte, dass viele Serien nur auf Disney+ zur Verfügung stehen.
The official chronological order is:
you did better
may you tell me why in the second episode annakin lost his poor, but in the clone wars movie the poor is still there.
Chronological order:
Star Wars Episode 1
Star Wars episode 2
Star wars the clone wars
star wars tales of the jedi
Star Wars episode 3
Star wars rebels
Star wars rogou one
Solo a star wars story
Star Wars episode 4
Star Wars episode 5
star wars episode 6
The Mandalorien (Staffel 1 and two)
Boba fat
Mandalorien Staffel 3
Star Wars Episode 7
Star Wars episode 8
Star Wars episode 9
I hope you didn’t forget. Did not count the new series like Ahsoka
I don’t know if the wrong is my current status (June 2023) is: (Ahsoka series is not yet published, so not in the list)
resistance is worth seeing if you allow