Die chronologische Reihenfolge von Star Wars Filmen und Serien?

Unter dieser Frage findest du eine Antwort auf die Frage, in welcher chronologischen Reihenfolge du die Star wars Filme und Serien schauen solltest. Beachte, dass viele Serien nur auf Disney+ zur Verfügung stehen.

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1 year ago

The official chronological order is:

  1. Episode 1
  2. Page 2
  3. Clone Wars – Movie
  4. Clone Wars – Series (until season 7 episode 8)
  5. Page 3
  6. Clone Wars Series (Staffel 7 episodes 9-12)
  7. Tales of the Jedi
  8. The Bad Batch
  9. Obi Wan Kenobi
  10. Rebels
  11. Andor
  12. Rogue One
  13. Page 4
  14. Page 5
  15. Page 6
  16. The Mandalorian (Staffeln 1-2)
  17. The Book of Boba Fat
  18. The Mandalorian (Staffel 3)
  19. Episode 7
  20. Episode 8
  21. Resistance
  22. Episode 9
1 year ago
Reply to  laengsdenker

you did better

1 year ago
Reply to  laengsdenker

may you tell me why in the second episode annakin lost his poor, but in the clone wars movie the poor is still there.

1 year ago

Chronological order:

  1. Film in the Dawn of the Jedi-Era (Starttermin: Unknown)
  2. The Acolyte (Start date: 2024)
  3. Star Wars Episode 1: The Dark Threat
  4. Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Klonkrieger
  5. Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Der Film (Link for Chronological Order:https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episodeorder)
  6. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Staffel 1-7 (Link for Chronological Order:https://www.starwars.com/news/star-wars-the-clone-wars-chronological-episodeorder)
  7. Star Wars Episode 3: The Revenge of Sith
  8. Star Wars: The Bad Batch Staffel 1-2 (+ Staffel 3; Start date: 2024)
  9. A Star Wars Story
  10. Obi-Wan Kenobi Staffel 1
  11. Andor Staffel 1
  12. Star Wars Rebels season 1
  13. Andor Staffel 2 (Starttermin: August 2024) / Star Wars Rebels Staffel 2-4 (These seasons play parallel, so at the same time.)
  14. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  15. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
  16. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Beats Back
  17. Star Wars Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi Knights
  18. The Mandalorian Staffel 1-2
  19. The book by Boba Fett Staffel 1
  20. The Mandalorian Staffel 3
  21. Ahsoka Staffel 1 (Start date: August 2023)
  22. Skeleton Crew Staffel 1 (Start date: end 2023)
  23. Mandoverse-Crossover Film by Dave Filoni (Starttermin: Unknown)
  24. Star Wars Resistance Staffel 1
  25. Star Wars: The awakening of power
  26. Star Wars: The Last Jedi
  27. Star Wars Resistance Staffel 2
  28. Star Wars: The Rise Skywalkers
  29. Film in the New Jedi Order Era with Jedi Master Rey (Start date: Unknown)
1 year ago

Star Wars Episode 1

Star Wars episode 2

Star wars the clone wars

star wars tales of the jedi

Star Wars episode 3

Star wars rebels


Star wars rogou one

Solo a star wars story

Star Wars episode 4

Star Wars episode 5

star wars episode 6

The Mandalorien (Staffel 1 and two)

Boba fat

Mandalorien Staffel 3

Star Wars Episode 7

Star Wars episode 8

Star Wars episode 9

I hope you didn’t forget. Did not count the new series like Ahsoka

1 year ago
Reply to  Fibani

resistance is worth seeing if you allow