Dickere Eichel durch Beschneidung?
Mir ist aufgefallen das beschnittene Jungs/Männer dickere und festere Eichel haben. Stimmt das
Habe das irgendwo gelesen dass man erst gehen sollte weil der Morgenurin auch irgendwie anders ist keine Ahnung
Nach längerer Überlegung ob das noch im Normalbereich ist oder in Richtung “Geh dringend zum Urologen!”, stelle ich nun diese Frage bei gutefrage. Ich habe keinerlei Schmerzen, aber frage mich eben, ob das normal ist oder nicht. Habe diese Krümmung schon immer gehabt. Foto ist zensiert als schwarze Form und im Liegen aufgenommen.
Huhu, ich habe eine Frage. Ich würde gerne meinem Freund einen Adventskalender gestalten, aber bin erst seit drei Wochen mit ihm zusammen. Für tiefgründige liebes Adventskalender ist es etwas zu früh finde ich, deswegen fehlen mir so ein bisschen die Ideen, weil einfach einen Schoko Adventskalender finde ich etwas lahm. Hat jemand vielleicht ein paar…
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Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, Vitaminpräparate, Magnesiumpräparate usw. gibt’s ja mittlerweile wie Sandkörchen in einer Wüste. Nutzt ihr diese? Wenn ja welche, weswegen und wie seid ihr darauf gekommen? Unterstützt ihr social Networker die damit product placement machen?
Even before my circumcision as a ten-year-old, I had a relatively large acorn which, under my fleshy, very long and by no means narrow pre-skin, was clearly degraded from the shank diameter. (For the good reasons for my circumcision, even without phimosis, I have already expressed very often in detail here at GF).
In puberty, my penis naturally increased in all dimensions – but my acorn was clearly extremely disproportionate; in diameter and volume as a whole. Her dominance has been quite strong and noticeable since then – which is probably due to the fact that my genital in the “public” nudity (redressing at sport, in the shower, in the sauna, at the nudist, etc.) appears to many – which leads to frequent unambiguous and intense views, and also repeatedly to comments and questions. What I’m interested and sometimes enjoying.
As a specialist, I can confirm the following: In fact, it is common that the acorn of a genital, whose foreskin has been removed before or during puberty, is then “expanded” better in growth due to this “freezing” and increases more strongly in diameter and volume than the acorn on an uncut penis, whose foreskin is always or predominantly pulled over the acorn. It is, by the way, irrelevant whether this pre-skin is then narrowed or not.
And now to the impression or rather the rare fact of a scorn that has become “thicker” by circumcision in adulthood, that is, after puberty:
In some cases, physical growth, in particular that of genitals, can reach to the middle of the third decade (i.e. up to about 25). Until then, circumcision can therefore tend to have an effect on the acorn growth as I have described it for puberty or before; if, in most cases, even in these rather rare cases, there is also much lower (less significant and less apparent “predominant”) than puberty time.
But I had patients who were circumcised in their early twenties, and then their acorn increased significantly and, above all, disproportionately in diameter. Most of the time, these patients also reported an overall perceived enlargement of their penis – which they believed to be due to circumcision. On demand, however, it was generally a later increase which would have taken place anyway. Without this thrust, it would probably not have come to the significant acorn enlargement, which, however, was strongly triggered by the circumcision.
Who else, as a man who has been trimmed in adulthood, has the impression of a “more thick acorn” as a result of circumcision, is usually subject to an optical illusion: The acorn exposed before trimming by backstriping of the foreskin then acted less concisely by the skin bead in the acorn furrow than after trimming, since then the furrow is free and the protruding acorn wreath appears more dominant.
It’s like so often: you can’t generalize. It is true, because the foreskin does not prevent the acorn from growing, but it still restricts the acorn somewhat by its wrapping.
Yes it would say that the acorns are larger when trimmed or Optically voluminous.
On the one hand, it is likely that the acorn can completely unfold because it does not constrict the fore skin.
On the other hand, the shaft skin behind the acorn is completely smooth and no pre-skin rolls like in the uncut penis.
Joa, it is. The acorn is keratinized and thus becomes firmer from the outside and feels generally different. It can become thicker.
because the foreskin no longer presses them together. This always unfolds it.
I also noticed that and I like circumcisions in general.
An outer organ, which can unfold freely, is formed from an inner organ by the circumcision.
Yeah, it’s real. With me it’s not as big as with others, but I’ve noticed that.
I can’t say that directly I’ve been circumcised quite early my acorn is thicker than my
Would say yes. With me anyway.
Yeah, you really noticed that, as I know from my own experience.
Yes 100% is true. No more foreskin. I’ve been circumcised myself and that’s what I’m doing.
I was circumcised myself (voluntary) and think that the icy thicker and firmer becomes because it is always free
Especially when cut early
I can say from my own experience that this is true.
The skin of the acorn is at best somewhat thicker and has less shine due to dryness. The size of the acorn is genetically conditioned, whether with or without pre-skin.
It’s like that.
No, of course that’s not true.
The circumcision has no influence on the size or shape of the acorn.
Who else says spreads ideologically motivated mumpitz without medical reality.
I definitely did. Did not let the surgery make for medical but cosmetic reasons and am fully grateful to my Ellis that they have been involved ðŸTM‚ My acorn is now always free and well I am still in growth 😜
how old were you there?
that your parents said yes. I didn’t make it until 18
For me, I can confirm that with a free-lying acorn this thicker is wore.
Jein. It’s getting harder out of my experience. Not bigger.
a firmer can already be because they have no preskin that protects them
most men with foreskin have a more sensitive acorn
Okay, how about you
I still have my foreskin but she does not surround my acorn completely because it is not so sensitive
It doesn’t make any sense… a circumcision makes a maximum of more cornea, and that is certainly not noticeable
Qatsch doesn’t get much thicker. Except it’s lit. You just feel like your foreskin’s gone.
No, that’s not a bullshit, because the ice cream is no longer concentrated by the missing fore skin
Oh, man. That doesn’t really believe
Oh, man. You don’t know if you don’t know, do you?
I thought you were cut as an adult and not for pimosis?
You’d have to realize that the acorn isn’t compressed. Because the foreskin is stretchable. Otherwise, the foreskin in healthy boys/men would not go over the acorn if it was so ingenious. It would also be extremely unpleasant or painful. Press your squirrel for a time (where wsl hardly touches anything by circumcision) That’ll be painful.
Clear the foreskin is so narrow that it squeezes the acorn
Then your foreskin must be quite emptied if it does not constrict the acorn.
More than you, but that’s not hard either.
You have no idea
Clearly the fore skin is so constrictive that it compresses the acorn XD. Young boy these circumcision fans don’t bother to talk their circumcision nicely. But this is at least funny
If you have no idea, don’t write such a nonsense here
That’s not true
But since the acorn is no longer concentrated
No, the acorn is covered with a layer of cornea in humans without pre-skin
That’s bullshit what you’re saying, so you’d have to have cornea on the whole body, as the entire skin is always exposed to friction through the clothing.
see Google
The cornea is medically correct https://flexikon.doccheck.com/en/Epidermis does, however, mean something different from what one imagines in the language of the environment: the entire outer skin layer on the human being is called a medical term cornea, whether it is a nasal tip, an eyelid or a forearm. In this respect, the term in connection with the pre-skin circumcision is often misleading and actually used incorrectly, and thus does not appear as an argument against the release of the acorn and as evidence for the compellingly blatant loss of feeling in the acorn by circumcision.
You may be a conspiracy theorist
Conspiracy theory?
Jaja Google knows everything, of course, and does not report anything wrong. Careful irony
Names cornea
You write a bullshit