Dickdarmperforation, wann lässt sich erkennen?


Wie viele Tage später erlebt man Symptome des Dickdarmperforations?

Kann man dies auch durchs Blutspenden erkennen? (Weil da wird ja zuerst geprüft, ob gesundes Blut durch die Adern fließt)

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2 years ago

An intestinal breakthrough is therefore an emergency that can end fatal and must be treated immediately. Call the doctor if you or a close person to sudden, strong
abdomena hard stomach and circulatory discomfort. While waiting for the ambulance, you should remove cramped clothing and store the upper body.

In the blood it is possible to see that there is an inflammation.Why? it is found by investigations.

A blood test can also give indications of an intestinal breakdown. If the number of white blood cells (lycoocytes) is increased, the physician knows that the person concerned suffers from acute inflammation.

https://focus-arztsuche.de/magazin/gifts/magen-darm- disorders/this-symptome-veruracht-ein-darm breakthrough

2 years ago
Reply to  ausrlpkommeich

It’s all right

2 years ago

Then have severe pain and excrete blood from the after.

2 years ago
Reply to  ausrlpkommeich

Yes, severe pain and high fever due to the developed abdominal pneumonia