Dickdarmperforation, wann lässt sich erkennen?
Wie viele Tage später erlebt man Symptome des Dickdarmperforations?
Kann man dies auch durchs Blutspenden erkennen? (Weil da wird ja zuerst geprüft, ob gesundes Blut durch die Adern fließt)
Liebe Grüße
In the blood it is possible to see that there is an inflammation.Why? it is found by investigations.
https://focus-arztsuche.de/magazin/gifts/magen-darm- disorders/this-symptome-veruracht-ein-darm breakthrough
Hello, thank you for your answer.
Please forgive me, I understand what you wrote up there, but I would feel more comfortable if you could call me short and still understandable words, as I suffer from forced disorder.(OBD)
So, since I’ve been feeling like a colon thick perforation for 5 days, is it free, right?
So, with me, it’s all right, right?
Greetings and I would ask for your forgiveness.
It’s all right
This sentence has turned my day and my mood towards positive. Thank you so infinitely
Then have severe pain and excrete blood from the after.
So if there’d be a perforation, these pain would occur long ago, huh?
So since last Friday 5 days ago I started thinking about perforation
Yes, severe pain and high fever due to the developed abdominal pneumonia
Thanks a lot