Diamond Painting Set Beigabe weg werfen?
Diamond painting kennt gewiss fast jeder.
Wie ist das bei euch?
Ihr kauft ein Bild , Aufkleber, Schlüssel Anhänger etc. Als Beigabe sind Steine, Stifte, Wachs, Platte / Schiffchen (und ähnliches) dabei.
Bei dem Wachs macht es Sinn es ist genau wie die Steine eine Verbrauchsgegenstand. Aber was macht ihr mit den Schiffchen, Stift und sonstigen Beigabe?
Wegwerfen, aufbewahren, ebay? Was sind da eure Erfahrungen?
It’s just how you work with it. I wouldn’t throw it away first.
Sounds good. But if the project is finished, what would you do with it?
Let us formulate the question first.
Maybe a year ago, I bought a picture. As described above as a set. I noticed that there are bigger pens on the Internet / shop. With this I mean now to accommodate larger area / more than one stone. This saves time for an image. Unfortunately only internet or shop where you had to leave a fortune again as it was only possible as a set. So I get a bigger pen then:
– six pins a 3 sizes,
– two tweezers (different sizes),
– 20 wax plates,
– 6 ships,
– 2 ships (larger),
– a spoon,
– a box with 28 compartments,
– 80 adhesive labels to label the compartments and …
Now I have a whole bunch of plastic crap you can’t use. The same thing for the new project, so I came to the question.
That’s what I missed as an info on the question. And if this is always in place by default and accumulates at home, the question is not necessary. Then you can just throw away.
Those who do several projects may be happy if they have more material.