Diagnose verloren?
Ich habe eine Diagnose bekommen und auf den Zettel steht was für eine Diagnose als bzw was für eine Krankheit diesen Zettel habe ich verloren kann ich so ein neu beantragen z.b mein Arbeitger möchte es ?
Ich habe eine Diagnose bekommen und auf den Zettel steht was für eine Diagnose als bzw was für eine Krankheit diesen Zettel habe ich verloren kann ich so ein neu beantragen z.b mein Arbeitger möchte es ?
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Many employers try to question you, w a r u m You are ill written. I found here an info from the internet ….
I wasn’t quite sure either, and I didn’t want you to
Wrong answer here .I have never given my employers information about my condition of illness .
Do employers have to be informed about the disease in the medical report?
In principle, it is not necessary to inform the supervisor why one is ill or what diagnosis one has.
A misbelief, however, is that you would never have to tell the employer the disease. Exceptions apply if the disease affects the employer(s) directly and is relevant to operational processes. This is the case if you could have already plugged in colleagues or if employers have to take protective measures for possible contagion.
If employers can doubt and justify the inability to work, theMedical Service of Health Insurance (MDK)) to check the diagnosis.
LG Angel
It has its reason why there are two different notes in a medical certificate:
The one – with the diagnosis(s) – is for your health insurance and the other – without this hint – is for the employer.
It’s enough if he knows how long you’re sick.
So, I wouldn’t let an employer get the diagnosis.
However, you can certainly get it again where you have the diagnosis created.
What your boss can see would be a medical prescription.
From artz. Thank you.
You’ll get it where you got it, possibly a small fee.
The employer is not concerned with the diagnosis. He has no right to. Whether you share it with the AG is your thing, you are not obliged.
The ass wants to see if I’m working
A disability certificate from the doctor, then he sees that you are not working and that must: he is long and in part for the AG there is no diagnosis because it concerns the AG a damp dirt. He must: accept it. Any labour consequences that you do not tell him the diagnosis are void and you can do so legally. Whether it makes sense is another question.
He needs the diagnosis, but only the doctor’s certificate.
If he wants to know the diagnosis, you don’t have to tell him.
You can just call the doctor who made the diagnosis.
Your AG has no claim to the diagnosis.
Your employer does not have the right to ask you for your diagnosis and you are not obliged to tell him.
You can get your “Zettel” back where you got it.
Your illness is a shitty mess to your boss.
Your employer has no right to disclose your disease diagnosis. The “simple” AU certificate must be sufficient.
Otherwise – it’s your AG’s task to “retrieve” the AU certificate on the electronic way to your KK.