Diabetes Typ 1 durch Infektionen?
Kann man durch Infektionen Diabetes Typ 1 bekommen?
Kann man durch Infektionen Diabetes Typ 1 bekommen?
Hey. Ist das gefährlich? Wenn ich das habe ? Zuhazae ernähre ich mich oft gesund aber natürlich sehr wenig Bewegung und dann doch schon das ein oder andere süße oder fettige. Ich habe halt Angst das ich früh daran sterbe…
Guten Tag! Erstmal zu mir: Ich bin männlich und 24 Jahre alt und aktiv Sportler. Nun zu meinen Beschwerden: Habe seit Mitte Januar Schluckbeschwerden die mal besser und mal schlechter werden(oft das Gefühl man würde sich verschlucken). Dazu ein stechen in der Brust mit teils sehr hohen Ruhepuls. (Fühlt sich teils nach Herzrasen an) Dazu…
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Ich frage nur weil es mich interessiert und irgendwie alle in meiner Familie Steinalt werden gibt auch noch zwei weitere die Diabetes Typ 1 haben aber nur männlich.😅
Hello Sabina985, 👋
Yeah, for example. Infections are suspected
with the coxsackie virus, rubella, mumps, etc…
Not the whole pancreas becomes
attacked, but only beta cells,
and Langerhans Islands = island cells
are destroyed.
LG 🙋🏻
It is not proven but it often occurs after grippal effects
Generally, we have no idea why it does
I’m sorry.
Unfortunately, this does not prevent you.
Yes and it is unfortunately also very dangerous but good to treat
Of course this does not mean much responsibility and daily discipline.But in the case of a legal diagnosis and treatment, no serious organ damage is expected.
That’s true, of course.
The question is whether such a life has a lot of quality.
In the case, however, it is worth not to survive the alternative, of course this is not the best but so far the only
That’s true, of course.
However, at a high price.
But it can prevent the worst thing you can imagine
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t see it as well treatable.
Yes, so to speak as a starter
I was afraid.
And what can you do about it?
I can’t tell you that. Once diabetes 1 is present, it remains. At least my knowledge
No type 1 diabetes is not preventable either by healthy diet or by exercise. It is an autoimmune disease and is triggered by immune system alone. In contrast to type 2 type 2 is created due to an insulin resistance type 1 due to an absolute lack of insulin. If you really think you have it please go to the doctor! Today still in the ZNA of blood sugar can rise very quickly and it can lead to diabetic coma and death
I think so. Look at the net after a diabetes counselling or diabetes. You can discuss such things
And is possible to prevent.
DIabetes is not an infectious disease.
But can an infection irritate the immune system so that it attacks the pancreas?
I’ve been working in diabetes for 10 years. I’ve never heard of that.
there is certainly some immune disease that can be captured, which attacks the spiky gland… this is likely to get 1 of 30 million people