DHL Paket und Geld nicht zurueckerstattet?

Vor ein paar Tagen verschickte mein Mann an seinen Vater in Pakistan ein DHL Paket mit Medikamenten.Dieses Paket beeinhalte Suesstoffdosen und Reinigungschaum/ Spruehdosenflaschen gegen Schuppenflechte/Psioraris.

Dies war in einer Deutschen Post/ DHL Filliale in einem Edeka in Berlin in unserer Wohnortnaehe.Fuer das Versenden des Paketes bezahlte er 49 Euro.Die Mitarbeiterin informierte ihn vorher nicht ,dass gewisse Sachen die Deutsche Post nicht versenden darf aufgrund Sicherheitsschutzbedingungen.

Nach 4 Tagen wurde das Paket von der Post zurueckgesendet mit der Begruendung dass der Inhalt unzulaessig waere fuer einen Transport.Und nun weigert sich die Mitarbeiterin die 49 Euro zurueckzuerstatten.Gibt es einen Weg,dass er das Geld zurueckbekommt oder ist das nicht moeglich?

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1 year ago

no. The sender(i.e. your husband) is obliged to inform you beforehand and also to highlight the packages according to the regulations. If there’s a spray can in there – this spray can also has a danger symbol – so the sender must also attach your husband to the package. If he has not – also your MAnn is obliged to fill out the customs declaration and make himself smart about it – what he can send as in another LAnd. That is why the consignor also undermines the customs declaration.

If you’ve done something like that, it’s your fault and not the one of the staff of the post.

Imagine- there are 200 people a day off a package- and on each package- says the post officer=please open, we need to check if everything is correctly marked. That would be a joke. The postal type also does not have to read through any customs declaration- why, Since then, you have been obliged to fill and sign these truths and according to the determinations.

for this is always the sender responsible and if your husband did it nciht- sorry, then it is your fault and there is no money back.

1 year ago

This is not possible, as a sender you should be informed.

1 year ago

.And now the employee refuses to refund the 49 euros.

It is not the task of the DHL staff to instruct/inform customers unquestioned about what should not be sent via DHL.

Failure to comply with statutory regulations may have serious legal consequences for the consignor. It is therefore your responsibility to check in advance whether goods are admitted to mail or not.

1 year ago

“.The employee did not inform him before that certain items may not be sent to Deutsche Post due to safety conditions.”

This is also not the responsibility of the employees to inform. This is always the duty of the consignor to check what to introduce into the country and what not. Accordingly, nothing has to be refunded here. The post did her job in the sense.

1 year ago

The sender must know what he can do with what shipping service!

We should be glad that he did not charge him any further costs for returning, because he deliberately tried to send this, although not allowed…