DHL Packstation Paketumleitung?
Ist es möglich folgendes einzustellen:
Wenn ein Paket an einer DHL Packstation nicht angenommen wird (Grund egal), dass dieses an eine ausgewählte Postfiliale umgeleitet wird und nicht zum Absender zurück geschickt wird??
Danke für alle Antworten schonmal!
If it doesn’t fit into the packing station, it’s going to the branch automatically. You don’t need to set that extra
Okay, because I’ve had the following problem in recent times: Addressing was correct (also post number), I didn’t see anything in the DHL app. A few days later, the sender writes to me: package came back, either no note or “receiver not found”…
Is your mail number unlocked?? So you complete the Ident procedure (or just registered online) ?
You can’t. When the packing station is full, it is usually always forwarded to the nearest branch. To the sender the shipment actually only goes if what is wrong with the package or it has not been picked up after a few days.
Okay, because I’ve had the following problem in recent times: Addressing was correct (also post number), I didn’t see anything in the DHL app. A few days later, the sender writes to me: package came back, either no note or “receiver not found”…
So, was the package addressed?
First name Surname
123456789 (post number)
Packing station 123
12345 pattern city
If so, it shouldn’t happen. Is the first and last name consistent with the pack station owner?
Then I don’t know, I’d ask DHL in the hotline.