DHL Packstation?
ich habe vorhin zwei Pakete in die Packstation gelegt. Für eines habe ich einen Einlieferungsbeleg bekommen. Das wurde laut Sendungsverfolgung auch schon abgeholt. Für das andere Paket habe ich keinen Einlieferungsbeleg bekommen. Auch der Sendungsstatus steht noch auf elektronisch angekündigt und nicht auf abgeholt.
Ich weiß nicht was da schief gelaufen sein könnte. Kommt das Paket trotzdem beim Empfänger an oder kommt es zu mir zurück? Bzw. Kommt es überhaupt irgendwo an oder was passiert damit?
Schon mal Danke im Voraus!
Sign the exact process at the packing station after you have placed the first package.
But hopefully not “open another compartment” pressed, and the second package then simply inserted.
Here we go. Send packages pressed. First package. Closed. Send more packages yes. Second package. Specialized. Send more packages, No. Registered customer, no. Email entered. But unfortunately, only for the last package received the delivery document. The last one is shown as picked up in the consignment number. The first is with electronically announced hanging remained.
The first show wasn’t randomly a package?
Thx4 ⭐
Great trick. Luckily, no other consignor had accidentally “dein” subject:)
I went to the packing station the next morning and took the shipping label. I knew what I had put the package. Since I didn’t get a delivery document, I realized it wasn’t registered. So I re-created the broadcast number. Like I’d like to put the package in. Then I went to the size of the compartment and chose other compartment until the compartment has jumped up with my package. Then everything stopped. The package re scanned and it worked 😂
Hey, how does it look now? (just have the same problem 😅)
Waiting, could also be a malfunction at the packing station.
I honestly don’t think there’s anything else. I should have got at least one delivery document for both consignment number not just for one. Right now, it looks like the package didn’t leave anyone. If it really doesn’t show up, it doesn’t even stick to DHL because I don’t have a delivery document😬
Btw…Päckchen also have a consignment number!
Obviously you didn’t make a mistake at the packing station. Keep watching the broadcast tracking. This evening/night should also change the status at the first package.
No, I got the number.
Maybe there was no room in the car and it was only taken one and it’s still inside