DHL Hub Leipzig Luftfracht Bewerbertag?
Huhu, ich bin zum Bewerbertag eingeladen beim DHL Hub in Leipzig, es geht um eine Stelle bei der Luftfrachtabfertigung..
mich würde mal interessieren wie der Bewerbertag dort so abläuft.. ich bitte nur um Antworten von Leuten die dort selber schon waren, danke 😀
You get explained what is done there may see the processes.
If you want to work there, you have to make a reliability check with the Air Safety Authority and pass a training at DHL.
after that, the aircraft containers are cleared out or in the evening.
is honest chord work.
What exactly means training? A kind of retraining that lasts longer or just a retraining?😅
On the subject of air freight as long as it takes k.a.
“to be able to work” is really not an art.
It’s about loading and unloading air freight, and all of this is done at night and weekend.
You don’t have anything like weekends, and if your buddies are just at the party, you’ll be able to make it.
Everyone has to decide and ascent opportunities are on the paper.