Dhl Gls Hermes Lieferung?

Hallo ich habe ein frage und zwar ein Freund von mir aus Berlin hat mir ein Paket geschickt über Dhl da habe ich 2wochen gewartet mit Express dann hat er gls gemacht nochmal 2wochen gewarte mit Express und jetzt mit Hermes Express 3wochen und ist immernoch nicht da kann einer sagen warum ps er wohnt über 500km weit weg von mir

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1 year ago

Well, at GLS and Hermes, you could start out that the packet have brought to the Packetshop without overhauling to ring, indeed with me a time-long fall, check your emails to whom this has been overhauled deposited. But at Dhl express, I can’t imagine it. And as mentioned above, you should always get a consignment number that is available at Hermes even when it comes to packing.

1 year ago

3 providers and 3 times not arrived, at 500km…. NIEMALS if you’re correctly written.

Tracking number is always available in packages, not in packages.

or your friend sent nix.

1 year ago

I’m sorry if I look so drastically, but… Your friend seems too stupid to send a package.

A package has a transmission number, so you can track exactly where it is located. What’s in the tracking? Is the target address right? Maybe it’s someone else. Or do you live in a cave? Have you ever received another package before?

A package needs a maximum of 3-4 days to come to you, no matter where in Germany.

It can’t get a package but 3 times with 3 different service providers???

1 year ago
Reply to  toterbiber

Yes everything is good but packages like Amazon are within 2 days. Do not know why this is so

1 year ago

He’s fucking you.