DHL Einschreiben?
Moin, mein Kollege hat ein Einschreiben für mich am letzen Donnerstag Nachmittags los geschickt. Heute ist Dienstag und es ist noch nicht angekommen, mein Kollege meint bei der Sendungsverfolgung steht seit Samstag „In Zustellung“.
Was kann ich jetzt tun? Ist mein Paket verschwunden?
Evtl. fixes the package/letter in the distribution center (e.g. rehearsal federal police) or was “forgot” in the car. Just ask for a shipment tracking. They’re looking for your package/letter.
So just go to the next post office with the number and ask what’s going on?
PS: Thanks for your answer
Yes nee simply on the Internet at the Sendubgs tracking there must be ne option for it. The woman in the Filliale can certainly do this, but she can say nothing directly.
Okay, thanks
And there’s somewhere you can order a search. I just don’t have a show to test this.
The post office has nothing to do with it, they can only read the transmission status.
But not that you misunderstood, so I have the broadcast number and I was already with the DHL page and entered the number when tracking and there was “adjustment” but this is since Saturday already 😅
Oh, okay.
Then I’ll let my buddy give me the number.
Hopefully nix is lost🙏
A letter is not a package but a letter.
After 7 working days, the ABSENDER can submit a research request.
You can’t do anything as a recipient.
Can the enrollment disappear?