DHL auf fakelink geklickt?

Hab so Sms bekommen mit der richtigen Tracking Nummer und wollte gucken ob das legit ist also bin ich auf den Link- war nicht legit. Hab da nichts eingegeben bin direkt weg. Passiert jetzt irgendwas oder sollte ich was machen? Bezahle eh nie online oder so

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8 months ago

Well, once again, someone who clicked on a link without checking it…

It’s always the same!

I would have gone to with another device and had logged in! Then I could have tracked my shipments from safe waiting!

However, I would click on a link in a message – it is that it is an email with a verification link that I requested myself! And even DANN, I’ll check the link again! In a VM that I can seriously return to a secure snapshot!

With a little “lucky” you will receive a lot of unwanted calls in balls “only”. With “something” bad luck, you captured a virus and someone can conteoll your phone at any time.

8 months ago
Reply to  Kfowpcppepe278

You can check if your phone is infected with a virus. But removing a virus is another thing…

8 months ago

There’s nothing happening. So no concerns. That’s just the link where you can pay.

8 months ago

…You have put the virus or trojan fat in your skin with the click on such links. Congratulations that people are still doing so by people today, showing the overall intellectual state of this society.

8 months ago

nix nix