Deutschlandticket? Gültig obwohl 11. Klasse?
Ich besitze ein Deutschland Ticket, welches am 11/28 abläuft. Allerdings komme ich in die 11 Klasse. Wird das Ticket dadurch ungültig? Ich kann meine Frage nicht gut in Worte fassen aber ich hoffe ihr versteht es.
Unclear question. Sometimes the D-ticket is issued in the form of cards, with the card itself techn. requires an expiration date in a few years, which has to do with the ticket/abo itself. Please don’t confuse.
The other part of your question is how this is going exactly with the subsidy if you get one. You have to ask the subsidizer. For I don’t think that’s a topic. And according to this, the subscription simply continues to the full D-ticket price, see terms and conditions.
Probably the card issuer means 11 = November and 28 = 2028