Deutschland oder USA welche Unternehmen sind stärker im Aktien Bereich?

Welche sind stärker und besser eure Meinung nach die unternhemen in Amerika oder in Deutschland erstrebenswert Aktien zu kaufen? Ich habe viele Us Aktien

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7 months ago

If one assumes identical companies, the US company is usually given a higher rating.

However, U.S. companies are usually ahead of business development. It should be better economic conditions.

I am therefore also investing very hard US, even if this involves a higher regional risk.

7 months ago

Usually (of course with exceptions) the USA shares.

Even after quarterly reports, these often react violently, while the Germans are only barely moving, e.g. today Paypal almost 8% after the > report

7 months ago

Definitely US shares.

Germany is now ranked 18 out of 21 industrial countries in terms of economic location attractiveness. The USA is ranked 1.

I personally do not even invest in the European market.

7 months ago

Take ETF recommended.