Deutschland ist ein Depressives Land?
Seid ihr der Meinung das Deutschland ein Depressives Land ist?
[möchte mit der Frage keinen beleidigen]
Bin selber ausgewandert und frag mich ob jemand ebenfalls auswandern will/ist
Hi, Please only answer the question if you are familiar with the topic or drive such a vehicle yourself. – Budget 28,000€, means used car – no small car. Preferably an SUV Just name models that you have had good experiences with and that are technically reliable. LG Franzi
Hi, denkt ihr man kein ein durschnittliches Lebn führen, in einer Wg, als Vollzeit Kelnnerin in Spanien (malgrat de mar) mit einem Minijob? (vorübergehend)
Brauche bitte eure hilfe
Yes, we must have been through a mental burglary as far as possible due to the many bad events of recent years. If for decades everything was only peace, joy, egg cake, this is a huge challenge. People living in constant need are certainly much more robust. But we should be more confident now. Overall, Germany is in an excellent climate zone. This is not a matter of course. And our democracy also ensures that, despite digital technology and AI, everyone can live without fear. Don’t think what if we had a carcrats as a single ruler.
So my opinion, Germany is definitely not a depri country! And some can’t convince me…
But hello! The map and statistics show everything!
The country certainly not, but there are many depressive people here, although most people are good.
USA a lot more
I think more
in Germany the most lively and satisfied. no idea what you think
I can’t imagine that most of these are life-threatening and satisfied
they are
Maybe it’s the environment. With me, all people are full of suicide attempts/thanks etc
these are the most lively of all and just “deine” generation is very happy – never it was better, never there were more possibilities. You’re so sorry.
but I had never had such a thing before and no one in my environment had ever had such
In fact, people in puberty almost always have “extreme phases” with low self-esteem and sometimes depressive phases. This is very normal in puberty because you are busy with yourself.
Social media, class, workmates, I’ve talked to many, most of my generation would agree to me by the way, many have already.
By the way, I am not talking about children, but about young people
And how do you know the MEHRHEIT?
I’ve already spoken of the majority and as if you ever had anything to do with younger people
The “younger generation” does not consist of a few spiders
I grew up in the younger generation most have a low self-esteem, especially girls, I talk about the teen old
they are most life-threatening and very satisfied.
The younger generation not
More like a jammerland, a envy country, a who-scream-hat-right country.
Yes here is much whining with Lgbtq or whining that you have not yet certain clothes
It’s mostly in social media. If you’re out in town or otherwise where, you won’t face it and you can get out of the way well:)
No. I don’t know
A country cannot be depressed